The dineolignan from Saururus chinensis, manassantin B, inhibits tumor-induced angiogenesis via downregulation of matrix metalloproteinases 9 in human endothelial cells.
Journal: 2015/February - Oncology Reports
ISSN: 1791-2431
Manassantin B (MB) is a neolignan isolated from Saururus chinensis that exhibits a range of activities, including anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antitumor activity. MB was recently found to affect cell adhesion and expression of several adhesion molecules. Based on the important roles of these adhesion molecules in angiogenesis, we evaluated a possible role for MB in tumor-induced angiogenesis in endothelial cells (ECs). In the present study, we found that MB blocked tumor-induced tube formation of ECs and significantly inhibited the invasion of ECs through the reconstituted basement membrane. MB suppressed the activity of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and downregulated the expression of matrix metalloproteinases 9. Western blotting showed reduction of RUNX2 activation by MB. RUNX2 transcription factor assay and chromatin immunoprecipitation assay showed that the interaction between RUNX2 and target sequences in the matrix metalloproteinases 9 promoters was inhibited by MB. Our findings suggested that the inhibitory effects of MB on tumor-induced angiogenesis were caused by matrix metalloproteinases 9 inhibition, which was associated with the downregulation of RUNX2 transcriptional activity.
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