[A case of inoperable advanced gall bladder cancer responding to intra-arterial infusion of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and leucovorin (LV)].
Journal: 2001/May - Japanese Journal of Cancer and Chemotherapy
ISSN: 0385-0684
PUBMED: 11329787
The prognosis in cases of inoperable advanced gall bladder cancer is poor. We report here a case of inoperable advanced gall bladder cancer that responded to treatment with continuous intra-arterial infusion of 5-FU and bolus injection of LV for biochemical modulation. The patient was an 81-year-old woman, who visited a nearby clinic with the chief complaints of general fatigue and right lateral abdominal pain. A mass lesion which occupied from the dorsal surface of the liver to the pancreatic head was found by ultrasonography, and she was referred to our hospital for further diagnosis and therapy. The diagnosis was advanced gall bladder cancer of Stage IVa (S2, N3, P0, H0, Hinf1, Dinf1). For the selective arterial infusion of anticancer drugs, the patient underwent intra-arterial cannulation into the common hepatic artery, with a connecting subcutaneous port for arterial infusion therapy. The treatment schedule for 5-FU and LV therapy consisted of continuous infusion of 5-FU of 333 mg/m2 for 72 hr and bolus injection of LV of 20 mg/m2 3 times at 24 hr intervals. This treatment was repeated every 2 weeks. No side effects were observed after the first administration during hospitalization, so the treatment was continued up to 17 times on an outpatient basis. A tumor response was seen in the primary lesion, No. 8 and No. 16 lymph node metastases. A partial response was observed for 13 months and the overall survival was 15 months. These findings may imply that treatment with intra-arterial infusion of 5-FU and LV can be an effective chemotherapy for prolongation of survival in patients with inoperable advanced gall bladder cancer.
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