Language Functional Reorganization in Subcortical Infarction Patients
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Journal: Journal of Psychiatric Research
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Journal: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Thirty years of brain imaging research has converged to define the brain's default network-a novel and only recently appreciated brain system that participates in internal modes of cognition. Here we synthesize past observations to provide strong evidence that the default network is a specific, anatomically defined brain system preferentially active when individuals are not focused on the external environment. Analysis of connectional anatomy in the monkey supports the presence of an interconnected brain system. Providing insight into function, the default network is active when individuals are engaged in internally focused tasks including autobiographical memory retrieval, envisioning the future, and conceiving the perspectives of others. Probing the functional anatomy of the network in detail reveals that it is best understood as multiple interacting subsystems. The medial temporal lobe subsystem provides information from prior experiences in the form of memories and associations that are the building blocks of mental simulation. The medial prefrontal subsystem facilitates the flexible use of this information during the construction of self-relevant mental simulations. These two subsystems converge on important nodes of integration including the posterior cingulate cortex. The implications of these functional and anatomical observations are discussed in relation to possible adaptive roles of the default network for using past experiences to plan for the future, navigate social interactions, and maximize the utility of moments when we are not otherwise engaged by the external world. We conclude by discussing the relevance of the default network for understanding mental disorders including autism, schizophrenia, and Alzheimer's disease.
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Journal: The British journal of medical psychology
Journal: The British journal of social and clinical psychology
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Journal: Biophysical Journal
This paper describes a new NMR imaging modality--MR diffusion tensor imaging. It consists of estimating an effective diffusion tensor, Deff, within a voxel, and then displaying useful quantities derived from it. We show how the phenomenon of anisotropic diffusion of water (or metabolites) in anisotropic tissues, measured noninvasively by these NMR methods, is exploited to determine fiber tract orientation and mean particle displacements. Once Deff is estimated from a series of NMR pulsed-gradient, spin-echo experiments, a tissue's three orthotropic axes can be determined. They coincide with the eigenvectors of Deff, while the effective diffusivities along these orthotropic directions are the eigenvalues of Deff. Diffusion ellipsoids, constructed in each voxel from Deff, depict both these orthotropic axes and the mean diffusion distances in these directions. Moreover, the three scalar invariants of Deff, which are independent of the tissue's orientation in the laboratory frame of reference, reveal useful information about molecular mobility reflective of local microstructure and anatomy. Inherently tensors (like Deff) describing transport processes in anisotropic media contain new information within a macroscopic voxel that scalars (such as the apparent diffusivity, proton density, T1, and T2) do not.
Journal: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Fiber tract trajectories in coherently organized brain white matter pathways were computed from in vivo diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) data. First, a continuous diffusion tensor field is constructed from this discrete, noisy, measured DT-MRI data. Then a Frenet equation, describing the evolution of a fiber tract, was solved. This approach was validated using synthesized, noisy DT-MRI data. Corpus callosum and pyramidal tract trajectories were constructed and found to be consistent with known anatomy. The method's reliability, however, degrades where the distribution of fiber tract directions is nonuniform. Moreover, background noise in diffusion-weighted MRIs can cause a computed trajectory to hop from tract to tract. Still, this method can provide quantitative information with which to visualize and study connectivity and continuity of neural pathways in the central and peripheral nervous systems in vivo, and holds promise for elucidating architectural features in other fibrous tissues and ordered media.
Journal: NMR in Biomedicine
This article treats the theoretical underpinnings of diffusion-tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI), as well as experimental design and data analysis issues. We review the mathematical model underlying DT-MRI, discuss the quantitative parameters that are derived from the measured effective diffusion tensor, and describe artifacts that arise in typical DT-MRI acquisitions. We also discuss difficulties in identifying appropriate models to describe water diffusion in heterogeneous tissues, as well as in interpreting experimental data obtained in such issues. Finally, we describe new statistical methods that have been developed to analyse DT-MRI data, and their potential uses in clinical and multi-site studies.
Journal: NeuroImage
In this paper we describe a method for retrospective estimation and correction of eddy current (EC)-induced distortions and subject movement in diffusion imaging. In addition a susceptibility-induced field can be supplied and will be incorporated into the calculations in a way that accurately reflects that the two fields (susceptibility- and EC-induced) behave differently in the presence of subject movement. The method is based on registering the individual volumes to a model free prediction of what each volume should look like, thereby enabling its use on high b-value data where the contrast is vastly different in different volumes. In addition we show that the linear EC-model commonly used is insufficient for the data used in the present paper (high spatial and angular resolution data acquired with Stejskal-Tanner gradients on a 3T Siemens Verio, a 3T Siemens Connectome Skyra or a 7T Siemens Magnetome scanner) and that a higher order model performs significantly better. The method is already in extensive practical use and is used by four major projects (the WU-UMinn HCP, the MGH HCP, the UK Biobank and the Whitehall studies) to correct for distortions and subject movement.
Journal: Brain
Previous functional imaging studies of chronic stroke patients with aphasia suggest that recovery of language occurs in a pre-existing, bilateral network with an upregulation of undamaged areas and a recruitment of perilesional tissue and homologue right language areas. The present study aimed at identifying the dynamics of reorganization in the language system by repeated functional MRI (fMRI) examinations with parallel language testing from the acute to the chronic stage. We examined 14 patients with aphasia due to an infarction of the left middle cerebral artery territory and an age-matched control group with an auditory comprehension task in an event-related design. Control subjects were scanned once, whereas patients were scanned repeatedly at three consecutive dates. All patients recovered clinically as shown by a set of aphasia tests. In the acute phase [mean: 1.8 days post-stroke (dps)], patients' group analysis showed little early activation of non-infarcted left-hemispheric language structures, while in the subacute phase (mean: 12.1 dps) a large increase of activation in the bilateral language network with peak activation in the right Broca-homologue (BHo) was observed. A direct comparison of both examinations revealed the strongest increase of activation in the right BHo and supplementary motor area (SMA). These upregulated areas also showed the strongest correlation between improved language function and increased activation (r(BHo) = 0.88, r(SMA) = 0.92). In the chronic phase (mean: 321 dps), a normalization of activation with a re-shift of peak activation to left-hemispheric language areas was observed, associated with further language improvement. The data suggest that brain reorganization during language recovery proceeds in three phases: a strongly reduced activation of remaining left language areas in the acute phase is followed by an upregulation with recruitment of homologue language zones, which correlates with language improvement. Thereafter, a normalization of activation is observed, possibly reflecting consolidation in the language system.
Journal: Nature
Two parallel studies using positron emission tomography, one conducted in neurological patients with brain lesions, the other in normal individuals, indicate that the normal process of retrieving words that denote concrete entities depends in part on multiple regions of the left cerebral hemisphere, located outside the classic language areas. Moreover, anatomically separable regions tends to process words for distinct kinds of items.
Journal: Neuroscientist
During the many idle moments that comprise daily life, the human brain increases its activity across a set of midline and lateral cortical brain regions known as the "default network." Despite the robustness with which the brain defaults to this pattern of activity, surprisingly little is known about the network's precise anatomical organization and adaptive functions. To provide insight into these questions, this article synthesizes recent literature from structural and functional imaging with a growing behavioral literature on mind wandering. Results characterize the default network as a set of interacting hubs and subsystems that play an important role in "internal mentation"-the introspective and adaptive mental activities in which humans spontaneously and deliberately engage in every day.
Journal: Stroke
Stroke recovery mechanisms remain incompletely understood, particularly for subjects with cortical stroke, in whom limited data are available. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to compare brain activations in normal controls and subjects who recovered from hemiparetic stroke.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging was performed in ten stroke subjects with good recovery, five with deep, and five with cortical infarcts. Brain activation was achieved by index finger-tapping. Statistical parametric activation maps were obtained using a t test and a threshold of P < .001. In five bilateral motor regions, the volume of activated brain for each stroke subject was compared with the distribution of activation volumes among nine controls.
Control subjects activated several motor regions. During recovered hand finger-tapping, stroke subjects activated the same regions as controls, often in a larger brain volume. In the unaffected hemisphere, sensorimotor cortex activation was increased in six of nine stroke subjects compared with controls. Cerebellar hemisphere contralateral and premotor cortex ipsilateral to this region, as well as supplementary motor areas, also had increased activation. In the stroke hemisphere, activation exceeding controls was uncommon, except that three of five cortical strokes showed peri-infarct activation foci. During unaffected hand finger-tapping, increased activation by stroke subjects compared with controls was uncommon; however, decreased activation was seen in unaffected sensorimotor cortex, suggesting that this region's responsiveness increased to the ipsilateral hand and decreased to contralateral hand movements. Use of a different threshold for defining activation (P < .01) did not change the overall findings (kappa = .75).
Recovered finger-tapping by stroke subjects activated the same motor regions as controls but to a larger extent, particularly in the unaffected hemisphere. Increased reliance on these motor areas may represent an important component of motor recovery. Functional magnetic resonance imaging studies of subjects who recovered from stroke provide evidence for several processes that may be related to restoration of neurologic function.
Journal: Science
Journal: Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
We report NMR diffusion measurements of water in three central nervous system models, namely the nonmyelinated olfactory, and the myelinated trigeminal and optic nerves of the spotted and long-nosed garfish. A similar degree of anisotropy of the average diffusion coefficients (DNMR) is observed for all three freshly excised nerve types (DNMR(parallel)/DNMR-(perpendicular) is 3.6 +/- 1.2, 3.2 +/- 0.9, and 2.6 +/- 0.4 for the olfactory, trigeminal, and optic nerves, respectively). The anisotropy of DNMR for the nonmyelinated olfactory nerve argues strongly that myelin is not a necessary determinant of diffusional anisotropy in ordered axonal systems (even though it may contribute when present). Garfish nerves treated with vinblastine, in order to depolymerize microtubules and inhibit fast axonal transport, also exhibit diffusional anisotropy (DNMR(parallel)/DNMR(perpendicular) is 2.6 +/- 0.4, 2.8 +/- 0.8, and 2.2 +/- 0.7 for the olfactory, trigeminal, and optic nerves, respectively) thus excluding a significant role for microtubules and fast axonal transport in that observed anisotropy.
Journal: Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience
Longitudinal studies show that almost all stroke patients experience at least some predictable degree of functional recovery in the first six months post stroke. However, the non-linear pattern as a function of time is not well understood. Several mechanisms are presumed to be involved, such as recovery of penumbral tissues, neural plasticity, resolution of diaschisis and behavioural compensation strategies. Rehabilitation is believed to modulate this logistic pattern of recovery, probably by interacting with these underlying processes. However, prediction models that are adjusted for the effects of time after stroke onset suggest that outcome is largely defined within the first weeks post stroke, although functional improvement has been found to extend beyond six months post stroke. In addition, kinematic studies show that functional improvement is more than recovery from impairments alone, suggesting that patients are able to improve in terms of gait or dexterity deficits using behavioural compensation strategies. Therefore, understanding the impact of task-dependent cortical activation patterns in non-invasive methods requires not only information derived from longitudinal studies pertaining to functional outcomes, but also a better understanding of what is kinematically learned during the acquisition of new skills.
Journal: Brain
Following a hemispheric stroke, various degrees of neuronal reorganization around the lesion occur immediately after disease onset and thereafter up to several months. These include transcallosal excitability, changes of the intact motor cortex and ipsilateral motor responses after transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) on the intact hemisphere. To elucidate the relationship between lesion localization and motor cortex excitability (intracortical inhibition; ICI) in the intact hemisphere, we applied a paired conditioning-test TMS paradigm in 12 patients with unilateral cortical stroke (cortical group) and nine patients with subcortical stroke caudal to the corpus callosum (subcortical group), with interstimulus intervals varying from 1 to 10 ms. All patients exhibited unilateral complete hand palsy. ICI was significantly less in the cortical group than in age-matched healthy control subjects. It was especially more marked in the cortical group patients with a disease duration of less than 4 months after onset. Patients in the cortical group with a duration longer than 4 months showed a tendency for ICI to be normalized, and there was a significant correlation between ICI and disease duration. Patients in the subcortical group showed normal excitability curves. All patients in the cortical group showed no transcallosal inhibition (TCI) in the active unaffected hand muscle after TMS of the affected motor cortex, whereas all the subcortical patients showed some TCI. No ipsilateral motor responses were elicited in the paretic hand in any of the patients. The reduced ICI in the cortical group might have been a result of disruption of TCI. The normalization of ICI in the patients with longer disease duration and the normal ICI in the subcortical group patients do not support the functional significance of motor cortex hyperexcitability in the unaffected hemisphere, at least in a patient population with poor motor recovery.
Journal: Annals of Neurology
Knowledge of the frequency and remission of aphasia is essential for the rehabilitation of stroke patients and provides insight into the brain organization of language. We studied prospectively and consecutively an unselected and community-based sample of 881 patients with acute stroke. Assessment of aphasia was done at admission, weekly during the hospital stay, and at a 6-month follow-up using the aphasia score of the Scandinavian Stroke Scale. Thirty-eight percent had aphasia at the time of admission; at discharge 18% had aphasia. Sex was not a determinant of aphasia in stroke, and no sex difference in the anterior-posterior distribution of lesions was found. The remission curve was steep: Stationary language function in 95% was reached within 2 weeks in those with initial mild aphasia, within 6 weeks in those with moderate, and within 10 weeks in those with severe aphasia. A valid prognosis of aphasia could be made within 1 to 4 weeks after the stroke depending on the initial severity of aphasia. Initial severity of aphasia was the only clinically relevant predictor of aphasia outcome. Sex, handedness, and side of stroke lesion were not independent outcome predictors, and the influence of age was minimal.
Journal: Neurology
To determine neural correlates of recovery from aphasia after left frontal injury.
The authors studied the verbal performance of patients with infarcts centered in the left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), using a battery of attention-demanding lexical tasks that normally activate the left IFG and a simpler reading task that does not normally recruit the left IFG. The authors used positron emission tomography (PET) and functional MRI (fMRI) to record neural activity in the same group of patients during word-stem completion, one of the attention-demanding lexical tasks. To identify potential neural correlates of compensation/recovery, they analyzed the resulting data for the group as a whole (PET, fMRI) and also for each participant (fMRI).
Patients with damage to the left IFG were impaired on all attention-demanding lexical tasks, but they completed the word-reading tasks normally. The imaging studies demonstrated a stronger-than-normal response in the right IFG, a region homologous to the damaged left IFG. The level of activation in the right IFG did not correlate with verbal performance, however. In addition, a perilesional response within the damaged left IFG was localized in the two patients who gave the best performance in the word-stem completion task and showed the most complete recovery from aphasia.
Right-IFG activity may represent either the recruitment of a preexisting neural pathway through alternative behavioral strategies or an anomalous response caused by removal of the left IFG. Perilesional activity in the left IFG may represent sparing or restoration of normal function in peri-infarctual tissue that was inactive early on after injury. This activity may be of greater functional significance than right IFG activity because it was associated with more normal verbal performance.
Journal: Annals of Neurology
As previous functional neuroimaging studies could not settle the controversy regarding the contribution of dominant and subdominant hemisphere to recovery from poststroke aphasia, language performance was related to H2(15)O-positron emission tomographic activation patterns in 23 right-handed aphasic patients 2 and 8 weeks after stroke. In patients classified according to the site of lesion (frontal, n = 7; subcortical, n = 9; temporal, n = 7) and in 11 control subjects, flow changes caused by a word repetition task were calculated in 14 regions representing eloquent and contralateral homotopic areas. These areas were defined on coregistered magnetic resonance imaging scans and tested for significance (Bonferroni corrected t test, alpha = 0.0036). At baseline, differences in test performance were only found between the subcortical and temporal group. The extent of recovery, however, differed and was reflected in the activation. The subcortical and frontal groups improved substantially; they activated the right inferior frontal gyrus and the right superior temporal gyrus (STG) at baseline and regained left STG activation at follow-up. The temporal group improved only in word comprehension; it activated the left Broca area and supplementary motor areas at baseline and the precentral gyrus bilaterally as well as the right STG at follow-up, but could not reactivate the left STG. These differential activation patterns suggest a hierarchy within the language-related network regarding effectiveness for improvement of aphasia; ie, right hemispheric areas contribute, if left hemispheric regions are destroyed. Efficient restoration of language is usually only achieved if left temporal areas are preserved and can be reintegrated into the functional network.
Journal: Annals of Neurology
Changes in the organization of the brain after recovery from aphasia were investigated by measuring increases in regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) during repetition of pseudowords and during verb generation. Six right-handed patients who had recovered from Wernicke's aphasia caused by an infarction destroying the left posterior perisylvian language zone were compared with 6 healthy, right-handed volunteers. In the control subjects, strong rCBF increases were found in the left hemisphere in the posterior part of the superior and middle temporal gyrus (Wernicke's area), and during the generation task in lateral prefrontal cortex (LPFC) and in inferior frontal gyrus (Broca's area). There were some weak right hemisphere increases in superior temporal gyrus and inferior premotor cortex. In the patients, rCBF increases were preserved in the frontal areas. There was clear right hemisphere activation in superior temporal gyrus and inferior premotor and lateral prefrontal cortices, homotopic to the left hemisphere language zones. Increased left frontal and right perisylvian activity in patients with persisting destruction of Wernicke's area emphasizes redistribution of activity within the framework of a preexisting, parallel processing and bilateral network as the central mechanism in functional reorganization of the language system after stroke.
Journal: Experimental Brain Research
Weak transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) can induce long lasting changes in cortical excitability. In the present study we asked whether tDCS applied to the left primary motor cortex (M1) also produces aftereffects distant from the site of the stimulating electrodes. We therefore tested corticospinal excitability in the left and the right M1 and transcallosal excitability between the two cortices using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) before and after applying tDCS. Eight healthy subjects received 10 min of anodal or cathodal tDCS (1 mA) to the left M1. We examined the amplitude of contralateral motor evoked potentials (MEPs) and the onset latency and duration of transcallosal inhibition with single pulse TMS. MEPs evoked from the tDCS stimulated (left) M1 were increased by 32% after anodal and decreased by 27% after cathodal tDCS, while transcallosal inhibition evoked from the left M1 remained unchanged. The effect on MEPs evoked from the left M1 lasted longer for cathodal than for anodal tDCS. MEPs evoked from the right M1 were unchanged whilst the duration of transcallosal inhibition evoked from the right M1 was shortened after cathodal tDCS and prolonged after anodal tDCS. The duration of transcallosal inhibition returned to control values before the effect on the MEPs from the left M1 had recovered. These findings are compatible with the idea that tDCS-induced aftereffects in the cortical motor system are limited to the stimulated hemisphere, and that tDCS not only affects corticospinal circuits involved in producing MEPs but also inhibitory interneurons mediating transcallosal inhibition from the contralateral hemisphere.
Journal: Stroke
In a geographically defined population, we assessed incidence and determinants of aphasia attributable to first-ever ischemic stroke (FEIS).
A 1-year prospective, population-based study among the permanent residents of the canton Basle City, Switzerland, was performed using multiple overlapping sources of information.
Among 188,015 inhabitants, 269 patients had FEIS, of whom 80 (30%; 95% CI, 24 to 36) had aphasia. The overall incidence rate of aphasia attributable to FEIS amounted to 43 per 100,000 inhabitants (95% CI, 33 to 52). Aphasic stroke patients were older than nonaphasic patients. The risk of aphasia attributable to FEIS increased by 4% (95% CI, 1% to 7%), and after controlling for atrial fibrillation, by 3% (95% CI, 1% to 7%) with each year of patients' age. Gender had no effect on incidence, severity, or fluency of aphasia. Cardioembolism was more frequent in aphasic stroke patients than in nonaphasic ones (odds ratio [OR], 1.85; 95% CI, 1.07 to 3.20). Aphasic patients sought medical help earlier than nonaphasic stroke patients. Still, after controlling for stroke onset-assessment interval, aphasic stroke patients were more likely to receive thrombolysis than nonaphasics (OR, 3.5; 95% CI, 1.12 to 10.96).
Annually, 43 of 100,000 inhabitants had aphasia resulting from first ischemic stroke. Advancing age and cardioembolism were associated with an increased risk for aphasia. Severity and fluency of aphasia were not affected by demographic variables.
Journal: Brain
Primary progressive aphasia is a clinical syndrome that encompasses three major phenotypes: non-fluent/agrammatic, semantic and logopenic. These clinical entities have been associated with characteristic patterns of focal grey matter atrophy in left posterior frontoinsular, anterior temporal and left temporoparietal regions, respectively. Recently, network-level dysfunction has been hypothesized but research to date has focused largely on studying grey matter damage. The aim of this study was to assess the integrity of white matter tracts in the different primary progressive aphasia subtypes. We used diffusion tensor imaging in 48 individuals: nine non-fluent, nine semantic, nine logopenic and 21 age-matched controls. Probabilistic tractography was used to identify bilateral inferior longitudinal (anterior, middle, posterior) and uncinate fasciculi (referred to as the ventral pathway); and the superior longitudinal fasciculus segmented into its frontosupramarginal, frontoangular, frontotemporal and temporoparietal components, (referred to as the dorsal pathway). We compared the tracts' mean fractional anisotropy, axial, radial and mean diffusivities for each tract in the different diagnostic categories. The most prominent white matter changes were found in the dorsal pathways in non-fluent patients, in the two ventral pathways and the temporal components of the dorsal pathways in semantic variant, and in the temporoparietal component of the dorsal bundles in logopenic patients. Each of the primary progressive aphasia variants showed different patterns of diffusion tensor metrics alterations: non-fluent patients showed the greatest changes in fractional anisotropy and radial and mean diffusivities; semantic variant patients had severe changes in all metrics; and logopenic patients had the least white matter damage, mainly involving diffusivity, with fractional anisotropy altered only in the temporoparietal component of the dorsal pathway. This study demonstrates that both careful dissection of the main language tracts and consideration of all diffusion tensor metrics are necessary to characterize the white matter changes that occur in the variants of primary progressive aphasia. These results highlight the potential value of diffusion tensor imaging as a new tool in the multimodal diagnostic evaluation of primary progressive aphasia.
Journal: Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry
Language functions comprise a distributed neural system, largely lateralised to the left cerebral hemisphere. Late recovery from aphasia after a focal lesion, other than by behavioural strategies, has been attributed to one of two changes at a systems level: a laterality shift, with mirror region cortex in the contralateral cortex assuming the function(s) of the damaged region; or a partial lesion effect, with recovery of perilesional tissue to support impaired language functions. Functional neuroimaging with PET allows direct observations of brain functions at systems level. This study used PET to compare regional brain activations in response to a word retrieval task in normal subjects and in aphasic patients who had shown at least some recovery and were able to attempt the task. Emphasis has been placed on single subject analysis of the results as there is no reason to assume that the mechanisms of recovery are necessarily uniform among aphasic patients.
Six right handed aphasic patients, each with a left cerebral hemispheric lesion (five strokes and one glioma), were studied. Criteria for inclusion were symptomatic or formal test evidence of at least some recovery and an ability to attempt word retrieval in response to heard word cues. Each patient underwent 12 PET scans using oxygen-15 labelled water (H2(15)O) as tracer to index regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF). The task, repeated six times, required the patient to think of verbs appropriate to different lists of heard noun cues. The six scans obtained during word retrieval were contrasted with six made while the subject was "at rest". The patients' individual results were compared with those of nine right handed normal volunteers undergoing the same activation study. The data were analysed using statistical parametric mapping (SPM96, Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology, London, UK).
Perception of the noun cues would be expected to result in bilateral dorsolateral temporal cortical activations, but as the rate of presentation was only four per minute the auditory perceptual activations were not evident in all people. Anterior cingulate, medial premotor (supplementary speech area) and dorsolateral frontal activations were evident in all normal subjects and patients. There were limited right dorsolateral frontal activations in three of the six patients, but a similar pattern was also found in four of the nine normal subjects. In the left inferolateral temporal cortex, activation was found for the normal subjects and five of the six patients, including two of the three subjects with lesions involving the left temporal lobe. The only patient who showed subthreshold activation in the left inferolateral temporal activation had a very high error rate when performing the verb retrieval task.
The normal subjects showed a left lateralised inferolateral temporal activation, reflecting retrieval of words appropriate in meaning to the cue from the semantic system. Lateralisation of frontal activations to the left was only relative, with right prefrontal involvement in half of the normal subjects. Frontal activations are associated with parallel psychological processes involved in word retrieval, including task initiation, short term (working) memory for the cue and responses, and prearticulatory processes (even though no overt articulation was required). There was little evidence of a laterality shift of word retrieval functions to the right temporal lobe after a left hemispheric lesion. In particular, left inferolateral temporal activation was seen in all patients except one, and he proved to be very inefficient at the task. The results provide indirect evidence that even limited salvage of peri-infarct tissue with acute stroke treatments will have an important impact on the rehabilitation of cognitive functions.
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