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Journal: Journal of Comparative Neurology
During development of the central nervous system, expression of the microtubule binding protein doublecortin (DCX) is associated with migration of neuroblasts. In addition to this developmental role, expression of DCX remains high within certain areas of the adult mammalian brain. These areas, mainly the dentate gyrus and the lateral ventricle wall in conjunction with the rostral migratory stream and olfactory bulb, retain the capacity to generate new neurons into adulthood. Adult neurogenesis is typically detected by incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) into dividing cells and colabeling of BrdU-positive cells with markers for mature neurons. To elucidate whether DCX could act as an alternative indicator for adult neurogenesis, we investigated the temporal expression pattern of DCX in neurogenic regions of the adult brain. Analysis of newly generated cells showed that DCX is transiently expressed in proliferating progenitor cells and newly generated neuroblasts. As the newly generated cells began expressing mature neuronal markers, DCX immunoreactivity decreased sharply below the level of detection and remained undetectable thereafter. The transient expression pattern of DCX in neuronal committed progenitor cells/neuroblasts indicates that DCX could be developed into a suitable marker for adult neurogenesis and may provide an alternative to BrdU labeling. This assumption is further supported by our observation that the number of DCX-expressing cells in the dentate gyrus was decreased with age according to the reduction of neurogenesis in the aging dentate gyrus previously reported.
Journal: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is an angiogenic protein with neurotrophic and neuroprotective effects. Because VEGF promotes the proliferation of vascular endothelial cells, we examined the possibility that it also stimulates the proliferation of neuronal precursors in murine cerebral cortical cultures and in adult rat brain in vivo. VEGF (>10 ng/ml) stimulated 5-bromo-2'-deoxyuridine (BrdUrd) incorporation into cells that expressed immature neuronal marker proteins and increased cell number in cultures by 20-30%. Cultured cells labeled by BrdUrd expressed VEGFR2/Flk-1, but not VEGFR1/Flt-1 receptors, and the effect of VEGF was blocked by the VEGFR2/Flk-1 receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor SU1498. Intracerebroventricular administration of VEGF into rat brain increased BrdUrd labeling of cells in the subventricular zone (SVZ) and the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG), where VEGFR2/Flk-1 was colocalized with the immature neuronal marker, doublecortin (Dcx). The increase in BrdUrd labeling after the administration of VEGF was caused by an increase in cell proliferation, rather than a decrease in cell death, because VEGF did not reduce caspase-3 cleavage in SVZ or SGZ. Cells labeled with BrdUrd after VEGF treatment in vivo include immature and mature neurons, astroglia, and endothelial cells. These findings implicate the angiogenesis factor VEGF in neurogenesis as well.
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Journal: Neuron
Doublecortin (DCX) is required for normal migration of neurons into the cerebral cortex, since mutations in the human gene cause a disruption of cortical neuronal migration. To date, little is known about the distribution of DCX protein or its function. Here, we demonstrate that DCX is expressed in migrating neurons throughout the central and peripheral nervous system during embryonic and postnatal development. DCX protein localization overlaps with microtubules in cultured primary cortical neurons, and this overlapping expression is disrupted by microtubule depolymerization. DCX coassembles with brain microtubules, and recombinant DCX stimulates the polymerization of purified tubulin. Finally, overexpression of DCX in heterologous cells leads to a dramatic microtubule phenotype that is resistant to depolymerization. Therefore, DCX likely directs neuronal migration by regulating the organization and stability of microtubules.
Journal: Journal of Cell Science
Recent studies have demonstrated that mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), including Jun N-terminus kinase (JNK), p38 and Erk, play crucial roles in cell migration. JNK, for example, regulates cell migration by phosphorylating paxillin, DCX, Jun and microtubule-associated proteins. Studies of p38 show that this MAPK modulates migration by phosphorylating MAPK-activated protein kinase 2/3 (MAPKAP 2/3), which appears to be important for directionality of migration. Erk governs cell movement by phosphorylating myosin light chain kinase (MLCK), calpain or FAK. Thus, the different kinases in the MAPK family all seem able to regulate cell migration but by distinct mechanisms.
Journal: European Journal of Neuroscience
Progress in the field of neurogenesis is currently limited by the lack of tools enabling fast and quantitative analysis of neurogenesis in the adult brain. Doublecortin (DCX) has recently been used as a marker for neurogenesis. However, it was not clear whether DCX could be used to assess modulations occurring in the rate of neurogenesis in the adult mammalian central nervous system following lesioning or stimulatory factors. Using two paradigms increasing neurogenesis levels (physical activity and epileptic seizures), we demonstrate that quantification of DCX-expressing cells allows for an accurate measurement of modulations in the rate of adult neurogenesis. Importantly, we excluded induction of DCX expression during physiological or reactive gliogenesis and excluded also DCX re-expression during regenerative axonal growth. Our data validate DCX as a reliable and specific marker that reflects levels of adult neurogenesis and its modulation. We demonstrate that DCX is a valuable alternative to techniques currently used to measure the levels of neurogenesis. Importantly, in contrast to conventional techniques, analysis of neurogenesis through the detection of DCX does not require in vivo labelling of proliferating cells, thereby opening new avenues for the study of human neurogenesis under normal and pathological conditions.
Journal: Nature
An ageing world population has fuelled interest in regenerative remedies that may stem declining organ function and maintain fitness. Unanswered is whether elimination of intrinsic instigators driving age-associated degeneration can reverse, as opposed to simply arrest, various afflictions of the aged. Such instigators include progressively damaged genomes. Telomerase-deficient mice have served as a model system to study the adverse cellular and organismal consequences of wide-spread endogenous DNA damage signalling activation in vivo. Telomere loss and uncapping provokes progressive tissue atrophy, stem cell depletion, organ system failure and impaired tissue injury responses. Here, we sought to determine whether entrenched multi-system degeneration in adult mice with severe telomere dysfunction can be halted or possibly reversed by reactivation of endogenous telomerase activity. To this end, we engineered a knock-in allele encoding a 4-hydroxytamoxifen (4-OHT)-inducible telomerase reverse transcriptase-oestrogen receptor (TERT-ER) under transcriptional control of the endogenous TERT promoter. Homozygous TERT-ER mice have short dysfunctional telomeres and sustain increased DNA damage signalling and classical degenerative phenotypes upon successive generational matings and advancing age. Telomerase reactivation in such late generation TERT-ER mice extends telomeres, reduces DNA damage signalling and associated cellular checkpoint responses, allows resumption of proliferation in quiescent cultures, and eliminates degenerative phenotypes across multiple organs including testes, spleens and intestines. Notably, somatic telomerase reactivation reversed neurodegeneration with restoration of proliferating Sox2(+) neural progenitors, Dcx(+) newborn neurons, and Olig2(+) oligodendrocyte populations. Consistent with the integral role of subventricular zone neural progenitors in generation and maintenance of olfactory bulb interneurons, this wave of telomerase-dependent neurogenesis resulted in alleviation of hyposmia and recovery of innate olfactory avoidance responses. Accumulating evidence implicating telomere damage as a driver of age-associated organ decline and disease risk and the marked reversal of systemic degenerative phenotypes in adult mice observed here support the development of regenerative strategies designed to restore telomere integrity.
Journal: European Journal of Neuroscience
Doublecortin (DCX), a microtubule-associated phosphoprotein, has been recently utilized as a marker of newly born neurons in the adult dentate gyrus (DG). Nonetheless, it is unknown whether DCX exclusively labels newly formed neurons, as certain granule cells with the phenotype of differentiated neurons express DCX. We addressed the authenticity of DCX as a marker of new neurons in the adult DG by quantifying cells that are positive for 5'-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), DCX and both BrdU and DCX in hippocampal tissues of adult rats treated with daily injections of BrdU for 12 consecutive days. We provide new evidence that neurons visualized with DCX immunostaining in the adult rat DG are new neurons that are predominantly born during the 12 days before euthanasia. This is confirmed by the robust expression of BrdU in 90% of DCX-positive neurons in the DG of animals injected with BrdU for 12 days. Furthermore, DCX expression is specific to newly generated healthy neurons, as virtually all DCX-positive cells express early neuronal antigens but lack antigens specific to glia, undifferentiated cells or apoptotic cells. As DCX expression is also robust in the dendrites, DCX immunocytochemistry of thicker sections facilitates quantification of the dendritic growth in newly born neurons. Thus, both absolute number and dendritic growth of new neurons that are generated in the adult DG over a 12-day period can be quantified reliably with DCX immunostaining. This could be particularly useful for analysing changes in dentate neurogenesis in human hippocampal tissues as a function of ageing or neurodegenerative diseases.
Journal: Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews
The c-Jun N-terminal kinases (JNKs) are members of a larger group of serine/threonine (Ser/Thr) protein kinases from the mitogen-activated protein kinase family. JNKs were originally identified as stress-activated protein kinases in the livers of cycloheximide-challenged rats. Their subsequent purification, cloning, and naming as JNKs have emphasized their ability to phosphorylate and activate the transcription factor c-Jun. Studies of c-Jun and related transcription factor substrates have provided clues about both the preferred substrate phosphorylation sequences and additional docking domains recognized by JNK. There are now more than 50 proteins shown to be substrates for JNK. These include a range of nuclear substrates, including transcription factors and nuclear hormone receptors, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K, and the Pol I-specific transcription factor TIF-IA, which regulates ribosome synthesis. Many nonnuclear substrates have also been characterized, and these are involved in protein degradation (e.g., the E3 ligase Itch), signal transduction (e.g., adaptor and scaffold proteins and protein kinases), apoptotic cell death (e.g., mitochondrial Bcl2 family members), and cell movement (e.g., paxillin, DCX, microtubule-associated proteins, the stathmin family member SCG10, and the intermediate filament protein keratin 8). The range of JNK actions in the cell is therefore likely to be complex. Further characterization of the substrates of JNK should provide clearer explanations of the intracellular actions of the JNKs and may allow new avenues for targeting the JNK pathways with therapeutic agents downstream of JNK itself.
Journal: Nature Neuroscience
Mutations in the doublecortin gene (DCX) in humans cause malformation of the cerebral neocortex. Paradoxically, genetic deletion of Dcx in mice does not cause neocortical malformation. We used electroporation of plasmids encoding short hairpin RNA to create interference (RNAi) of DCX protein in utero, and we show that DCX is required for radial migration in developing rat neocortex. RNAi of DCX causes both cell-autonomous and non-cell autonomous disruptions in radial migration, and creates two disruptions in neocortical development. First, many neurons prematurely stop migrating to form subcortical band heterotopias within the intermediate zone and then white matter. Second, many neurons migrate into inappropriate neocortical lamina within normotopic cortex. In utero RNAi can therefore be effectively used to study the specific cellular roles of DCX in neocortical development and to produce an animal model of double cortex syndrome.
Journal: PLoS ONE
Essentially all knowledge about adult hippocampal neurogenesis in humans still comes from one seminal study by Eriksson et al. in 1998, although several others have provided suggestive findings. But only little information has been available in how far the situation in animal models would reflect the conditions in the adult and aging human brain. We therefore here mapped numerous features associated with adult neurogenesis in rodents in samples from human hippocampus across the entire lifespan. Such data would not offer proof of adult neurogenesis in humans, because it is based on the assumption that humans and rodents share marker expression patterns in adult neurogenesis. Nevertheless, together the data provide valuable information at least about the presence of markers, for which a link to adult neurogenesis might more reasonably be assumed than for others, in the adult human brain and their change with increasing age.
In rodents, doublecortin (DCX) is transiently expressed during adult neurogenesis and within the neurogenic niche of the dentate gyrus can serve as a valuable marker. We validated DCX as marker of granule cell development in fetal human tissue and used DCX expression as seed to examine the dentate gyrus for additional neurogenesis-associated features across the lifespan. We studied 54 individuals and detected DCX expression between birth and 100 years of age. Caveats for post-mortem analyses of human tissues apply but all samples were free of signs of ischemia and activated caspase-3. Fourteen markers related to adult hippocampal neurogenesis in rodents were assessed in DCX-positive cells. Total numbers of DCX expressing cells declined exponentially with increasing age, and co-expression of DCX with the other markers decreased. This argued against a non-specific re-appearance of immature markers in specimen from old brains. Early postnatally all 14 markers were co-expressed in DCX-positive cells. Until 30 to 40 years of age, for example, an overlap of DCX with Ki67, Mcm2, Sox2, Nestin, Prox1, PSA-NCAM, Calretinin, NeuN, and others was detected, and some key markers (Nestin, Sox2, Prox1) remained co-expressed into oldest age.
Our data suggest that in the adult human hippocampus neurogenesis-associated features that have been identified in rodents show patterns, as well as qualitative and quantitative age-related changes, that are similar to the course of adult hippocampal neurogenesis in rodents. Consequently, although further validation as well as the application of independent methodology (e.g. electron microscopy and cell culture work) is desirable, our data will help to devise the framework for specific research on cellular plasticity in the aging human hippocampus.
Journal: Journal of Cell Biology
Humans with mutations in either DCX or LIS1 display nearly identical neuronal migration defects, known as lissencephaly. To define subcellular mechanisms, we have combined in vitro neuronal migration assays with retroviral transduction. Overexpression of wild-type Dcx or Lis1, but not patient-related mutant versions, increased migration rates. Dcx overexpression rescued the migration defect in Lis1+/- neurons. Lis1 localized predominantly to the centrosome, and after disruption of microtubules, redistributed to the perinuclear region. Dcx outlined microtubules extending from the perinuclear "cage" to the centrosome. Lis1+/- neurons displayed increased and more variable separation between the nucleus and the preceding centrosome during migration. Dynein inhibition resulted in similar defects in both nucleus-centrosome (N-C) coupling and neuronal migration. These N-C coupling defects were rescued by Dcx overexpression, and Dcx was found to complex with dynein. These data indicate Lis1 and Dcx function with dynein to mediate N-C coupling during migration, and suggest defects in this coupling may contribute to migration defects in lissencephaly.
Journal: Journal of Cell Biology
Ongoing neurogenesis in the adult mammalian dentate gyrus and olfactory bulb is generally accepted, but its existence in other adult brain regions is highly controversial. We labeled newly born cells in adult rats with the S-phase marker bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) and used neuronal markers to characterize new cells at different time points after cell division. In the neocortex and striatum, we found BrdU-labeled cells that expressed each of the eight neuronal markers. Their size as well as staining for gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamic acid decarboxylase 67, calretinin and/or calbindin, suggest that new neurons in both regions are GABAergic interneurons. BrdU and doublecortin-immunoreactive (BrdU+/DCX+) cells were seen within the striatum, suggesting migration of immature neurons from the subventricular zone. Surprisingly, no DCX+ cells were found within the neocortex. NG2 immunoreactivity in some new neocortical neurons suggested that they may instead be generated from the NG2+ precursors that reside within the cortex itself.
Journal: Journal of Neuroscience
Survival and integration of new neurons in the hippocampal circuit are rate-limiting steps in adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Neuronal network activity is a major regulator of these processes, yet little is known about the respective downstream signaling pathways. Here, we investigate the role of cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) signaling in adult hippocampal neurogenesis. CREB is activated in new granule neurons during a distinct developmental period. Loss of CREB function in a cell-autonomous manner impairs dendritic development, decreases the expression of the neurogenic transcription factor NeuroD and of the neuronal microtubule-associated protein, doublecortin (DCX), and compromises the survival of newborn neurons. In addition, GABA-mediated excitation regulates CREB activation at early developmental stages. Importantly, developmental defects after loss of GABA-mediated excitation can be compensated by enhanced CREB signaling. These results indicate that CREB signaling is a central pathway in adult hippocampal neurogenesis, regulating the development and survival of new hippocampal neurons downstream of GABA-mediated excitation.
Journal: European Journal of Neuroscience
Doublecortin (DCX) is a protein required for normal neuronal migration in the developing cerebral cortex, where it is widely expressed in both radially and tangentially migrating neuroblasts. Moreover, it has been observed in the adult rostral migratory stream, which contains the neuronal precursors traveling to the olfactory bulb. We have performed DCX immunocytochemistry in the adult rat brain to identify precisely the neuronal populations expressing this protein. Our observations confirm the presence of DCX immunoreactive cells with the characteristic morphology of migrating neuroblasts in the subventricular zone, rostral migratory stream and the main and accessory olfactory bulbs. We have also found putative migratory cells expressing DCX in regions were no adult neuronal migration has been described, as the corpus callosum, the piriform cortex layer III/endopiriform nucleus and the striatum. Surprisingly, many cells with the phenotype of differentiated neurons were DCX immunoreactive; e.g. certain granule neurons in the hilar border of the granular layer of the dentate gyrus, some neuronal types in the piriform cortex layer II, granule and periglomerular neurons in the main and accessory olfactory bulbs, and isolated cells in the striatum. Almost all DCX immunoreactive cells also express the polysialylated form of neural cell adhesion molecule and have a similar distribution to rat collapsin receptor-mediated protein-4, two molecules involved in neuronal structural plasticity. Given these results, we hypothesize that DCX expression in differentiated neurons could be related to its capacity for microtubule reorganization and that this fact could be linked to axonal outgrowth or synaptogenesis.
Journal: Molecular Psychiatry
Antidepressants increase adult hippocampal neurogenesis in animal models, but the underlying molecular mechanisms are unknown. In this study, we used human hippocampal progenitor cells to investigate the molecular pathways involved in the antidepressant-induced modulation of neurogenesis. Because our previous studies have shown that antidepressants regulate glucocorticoid receptor (GR) function, we specifically tested whether the GR may be involved in the effects of these drugs on neurogenesis. We found that treatment (for 3-10 days) with the antidepressant, sertraline, increased neuronal differentiation via a GR-dependent mechanism. Specifically, sertraline increased both immature, doublecortin (Dcx)-positive neuroblasts (+16%) and mature, microtubulin-associated protein-2 (MAP2)-positive neurons (+26%). This effect was abolished by the GR-antagonist, RU486. Interestingly, progenitor cell proliferation, as investigated by 5'-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) incorporation, was only increased when cells were co-treated with sertraline and the GR-agonist, dexamethasone, (+14%) an effect which was also abolished by RU486. Furthermore, the phosphodiesterase type 4 (PDE4)-inhibitor, rolipram, enhanced the effects of sertraline, whereas the protein kinase A (PKA)-inhibitor, H89, suppressed the effects of sertraline. Indeed, sertraline increased GR transactivation, modified GR phosphorylation and increased expression of the GR-regulated cyclin-dependent kinase-2 (CDK2) inhibitors, p27(Kip1) and p57(Kip2). In conclusion, our data suggest that the antidepressant, sertraline, increases human hippocampal neurogenesis via a GR-dependent mechanism that requires PKA signaling, GR phosphorylation and activation of a specific set of genes. Our data point toward an important role for the GR in the antidepressant-induced modulation of neurogenesis in humans.
Journal: GLIA
In the course of adult hippocampal neurogenesis, new cells go through a series of stages associated with proliferative activity. The most highly proliferative cell type is an intermediate precursor cell, called type-2 cell. We here report that on the level of type-2 cells a transition takes place between features associated with the glial and the neuronal lineage. We show that stem-cell marker Sox2 and radial glia marker BLBP are expressed in type-2 cells but label only a small percentage of the proliferating cells. By and large, precursor cell marker Sox2 was found to be widely expressed in hippocampal astrocytes. Between 3 h and 1 week after a single injection of permanent S-phase marker bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), the number of BrdU-labeled BLBP-positive cells did not change, consistent with the idea that both markers here are associated with the maintained precursor cell pool. Using reporter gene mice expressing the green fluorescent protein (GFP) under the promoter for nestin we found an overlap of GFP with markers of the neuronal lineage, doublecortin (DCX) and transcription factor NeuroD1 in type-2 cells, whereas in glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-GFP mice expression of GFP and NeuroD1 or DCX was mutually exclusive. Electrophysiologically, the group of type-2 cells fell into two subgroups: one with astrocytic properties and another with an early "complex" phenotype of neural progenitor cells. Our data further support the existence of proliferative precursor cells that mark the transition between glia-like states and neuronal differentiation.
Journal: Neurobiology of Aging
Strong age-related declines in conjunction with comparatively easy experimental manipulations of adult hippocampal neurogenesis have generated considerable public and scientific interest in the prospect of "new neurons for old brains". Only few studies addressed the time course of the natural changes, which are the substrate for interventions that may realize this prospect. We provide a monthly or bimonthly account of cell proliferation, neurogenesis and cell death during the first 9 months of the life of C57Bl/6J mice. Ki67- and DCX-positive cell numbers declined exponentially without an intermittent plateau ( approximately 40% per month). Cell death in relation to cell proliferation was lowest at 1 month, increased at 2 months to remain constant until 4 months, and decreased again at 5 months to remain stable until 9 months. Granule cell number did not change with age. Our results suggest that manipulations of proliferation and neurogenesis may, at any time, interact with strong natural changes of these processes. Mediators of their age-related decline may be studied over periods much shorter than those typically used.
Journal: BMC Neuroscience
In the course of adult hippocampal neurogenesis most regulation takes place during the phase of doublecortin (DCX) expression, either as pro-proliferative effect on precursor cells or as survival-promoting effect on postmitotic cells. We here obtained quantitative data about the proliferative population and the dynamics of postmitotic dendrite development during the period of DCX expression. The question was, whether any indication could be obtained that the initiation of dendrite development is timely bound to the exit from the cell cycle. Alternatively, the temporal course of morphological maturation might be subject to additional regulatory events.
We found that (1) 20% of the DCX population were precursor cells in cell cycle, whereas more than 70% were postmitotic, (2) the time span until newborn cells had reached the most mature stage associated with DCX expression varied between 3 days and several weeks, (3) positive or negative regulation of precursor cell proliferation did not alter the pattern and dynamics of dendrite development. Dendrite maturation was largely independent of close contacts to astrocytes.
These data imply that dendrite maturation of immature neurons is initiated at varying times after cell cycle exit, is variable in duration, and is controlled independently of the regulation of precursor cell proliferation. We conclude that in addition to the major regulatory events in cell proliferation and selective survival, additional micro-regulatory events influence the course of adult hippocampal neurogenesis.
Journal: Nature Neuroscience
The mechanisms that regulate the developmental potential of adult neural progenitor populations under physiological and pathological conditions remain poorly defined. Glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 (GAD65)- and Doublecortin (Dcx)-expressing cells constitute major progenitor populations in the adult mouse subventricular zone (SVZ). Under normal physiological conditions, SVZ-derived GAD65-positive and Dcx-positive cells expressed the transcription factor Pax6 and migrated along the rostral migratory stream to the olfactory bulb to generate interneurons. After lysolecithin-induced demyelination of corpus callosum, however, these cells altered their molecular and cellular properties and migratory path. Demyelination upregulated chordin in the SVZ, which redirected GAD65-positive and Dcx-positive progenitors from neuronal to glial fates, generating new oligodendrocytes in the corpus callosum. Our findings suggest that the lineage plasticity of SVZ progenitor cells could be a potential therapeutic strategy for diseased or injured brain.
Journal: Neuron
The potential role of doublecortin (Dcx), encoding a microtubule-associated protein, in brain development has remained controversial. Humans with mutations show profound alterations in cortical lamination, whereas in mouse, RNAi-mediated knockdown but not germline knockout shows abnormal positioning of cortical neurons. Here, we report that the doublecortin-like kinase (Dclk) gene functions in a partially redundant pathway with Dcx in the formation of axonal projections across the midline and migration of cortical neurons. Dosage-dependent genetic effects were observed in both interhemispheric connectivity and migration of cortically and subcortically derived neurons. Surprisingly, RNAi-mediated knockdown of either gene results in similar migration defects. These results indicate the Dcx microtubule-associated protein family is required for proper neuronal migration and axonal wiring.
Journal: Neuron
Although mutations in the human doublecortin gene (DCX) cause profound defects in cortical neuronal migration, a genetic deletion of Dcx in mice produces a milder defect. A second locus, doublecortin-like kinase (Dclk), encodes a protein with similar "doublecortin domains" and microtubule stabilization properties that may compensate for Dcx. Here, we generate a mouse with a Dclk mutation that causes no obvious migrational abnormalities but show that mice mutant for both Dcx and Dclk demonstrate perinatal lethality, disorganized neocortical layering, and profound hippocampal cytoarchitectural disorganization. Surprisingly, Dcx(-/y);Dclk(-/-) mutants have widespread axonal defects, affecting the corpus callosum, anterior commissure, subcortical fiber tracts, and internal capsule. Dcx/Dclk-deficient dissociated neurons show abnormal axon outgrowth and dendritic structure, with defects in axonal transport of synaptic vesicle proteins. Dcx and Dclk may directly or indirectly regulate microtubule-based vesicle transport, a process critical to both neuronal migration and axon outgrowth.
Journal: Journal of Comparative Neurology
The CD11c enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP) transgenic mouse was constructed to identify dendritic cells in the periphery (Lindquist et al. [2004] Nat. Immunol. 5:1243-1250). In this study, we used this mouse to characterize dendritic cells within the CNS. Our anatomic results showed discrete populations of EYFP(+) brain dendritic cells (EYFP(+) bDC) that colocalized with a small fraction of microglia immunoreactive for Mac-1, Iba-1, CD45, and F4/80 but not for NeuN, Dcx, NG2 proteoglycan, or GFAP. EYFP(+) bDC, isolated by fluorescent activated cell sorting (FACS), expressed mRNA for the Itgax (CD11c) gene, whereas FACS anlaysis of EYFP(+) bDC cultures revealed the presence of CD11c protein. Light microscopy studies revealed that EYFP(+) bDC were present in the embryonic CNS when the blood-brain barrier is formed and postnatally when brain cells are amenable to culturing. In adult male mice, EYFP(+) bDC distribution was prominent within regions of the CNS that 1) are subject to structural plasticity and neurogenesis, 2) receive sensory and humoral input from the external environment, and 3) lack a blood-brain barrier. Ultrastructural analysis of EYFP(+) bDC in adult neurogenic niches showed their proximity to developing neurons and a morphology characteristic of immune/microglia cells. Kainic acid-induced seizures revealed that EYFP(+) bDC responded to damage of the hippocampus and displayed morphologies similar to those described for seizure-activated EGFP(+) microglia in the hippocampus of cfms (CSF-1R) EGFP mice. Collectively, these findings suggest a new member of the dendritic cell family residing among the heterogeneous microglia population.
Journal: Journal of Neuroscience
Doublecortin (DCX) is a microtubule-associated protein that is required for normal neocortical and hippocampal development in humans. Mutations in the X-linked human DCX gene cause gross neocortical disorganization (lissencephaly or "smooth brain") in hemizygous males, whereas heterozygous females show a mosaic phenotype with a normal cortex as well as a second band of misplaced (heterotopic) neurons beneath the cortex ("double cortex syndrome"). We created a mouse carrying a targeted mutation in the Dcx gene. Hemizygous male Dcx mice show severe postnatal lethality; the few that survive to adulthood are variably fertile. Dcx mutant mice show neocortical lamination that is largely indistinguishable from wild type and show normal patterns of neocortical neurogenesis and neuronal migration. In contrast, the hippocampus of both heterozygous females and hemizygous males shows disrupted lamination that is most severe in the CA3 region. Behavioral tests show defects in context and cued conditioned fear tests, suggesting that deficits in hippocampal learning accompany the abnormal cytoarchitecture.
Journal: European Journal of Neuroscience
Addition of new granule cells to the dentate gyrus (DG) from stem or progenitor cells declines considerably during ageing. However, potential age-related alterations in migration, enduring survival and neuronal fate choice of newly born cells, and rate of maturation and dendritic growth of newly differentiated neurons are mostly unknown. We addressed these issues by analysing cells that are positive for 5'-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), doublecortin (DCX), BrdU and DCX, and BrdU and neuron-specific nuclear antigen (NeuN) in the DG of young adult, middle-aged and aged F344 rats treated with daily injections of BrdU for 12 consecutive days. Analyses performed at 24 h, 10 days and 5 months after BrdU injections reveal that the extent of new cell production decreases dramatically by middle age but exhibits no change thereafter. Interestingly, fractions of newly formed cells that exhibit appropriate migration and prolonged survival, and fractions of newly born cells that differentiate into neurons, remain stable during ageing. However, in newly formed neurons of the middle-aged and aged DG, the expression of mature neuronal marker NeuN is delayed and early dendritic growth is retarded. Thus, the presence of far fewer new granule cells in the aged DG is not due to alterations in the long term survival and phenotypic differentiation of newly generated cells but solely owing to diminished production of new cells. The results also underscore that the capability of the DG milieu to support neuronal fate choice, migration and enduring survival of newly born cells remains stable even during senescence but its ability to promote rapid neuronal maturation and dendritic growth is diminished as early as middle age.
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