Nontargeted Metabolomic Analysis of Four Different Parts of Platycodon grandiflorum Grown in Northeast China.
Journal: 2017/August - Molecules
ISSN: 1420-3049
Platycodonis radix is extensively used for treating cough, excessive phlegm, sore throat, bronchitis and asthma in the clinic. Meanwhile, the stems, leaves and seeds of Platycodon grandiflorum (PG) have some pharmaceutical activities such as anti-inflammation and anti-oxidation effects, etc. These effects must be caused by the different metabolites in various parts of herb. In order to profile the different parts of PG, the ultra-high performance liquid chromatography combined with quadrupole time-of- flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-QTOF-MSE) coupled with UNIFI platform and multivariate statistical analyses was used in this study. Consequently, for the constituent screening, 73, 42, 35, 44 compounds were characterized from the root, stem, leaf and seed, respectively. The stem, leaf and seed contain more flavonoids but few saponins that can be easily discriminated in the root. For the metabolomic analysis, 15, 5, 7, 11 robust biomarkers enabling the differentiation among root, stem, leaf and seed, were discovered. These biomarkers can be used for rapid identification of four different parts of PG grown in northeast China.
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Molecules : A Journal of Synthetic Chemistry and Natural Product Chemistry. Jul/31/2017; 22(8)
Published online Aug/2/2017

Nontargeted Metabolomic Analysis of Four Different Parts of Platycodon grandiflorum Grown in Northeast China


Platycodonis radix is extensively used for treating cough, excessive phlegm, sore throat, bronchitis and asthma in the clinic. Meanwhile, the stems, leaves and seeds of Platycodon grandiflorum (PG) have some pharmaceutical activities such as anti-inflammation and anti-oxidation effects, etc. These effects must be caused by the different metabolites in various parts of herb. In order to profile the different parts of PG, the ultra-high performance liquid chromatography combined with quadrupole time-of- flight mass spectrometry (UPLC-QTOF-MSE) coupled with UNIFI platform and multivariate statistical analyses was used in this study. Consequently, for the constituent screening, 73, 42, 35, 44 compounds were characterized from the root, stem, leaf and seed, respectively. The stem, leaf and seed contain more flavonoids but few saponins that can be easily discriminated in the root. For the metabolomic analysis, 15, 5, 7, 11 robust biomarkers enabling the differentiation among root, stem, leaf and seed, were discovered. These biomarkers can be used for rapid identification of four different parts of PG grown in northeast China.

1. Introduction

It is well-known that there are both chemical and pharmacological differences in different parts of herbs. Taking Aristolochia mollissima Hance as an example, the fruits are used to treat cough and asthma, the roots have obvious antihypertensive effects, while the stems and leaves are rheumatoid medicines. This phenomenon also exists in other herbs, such as Lycium barbarum, Polygonum Multiflorum Thunb., Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim, Ephedra sinice Stapf, etc. [1].

As both food and medicine, Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.) A. DC. (PG) is known as “Jiegeng” in China, “Huridunzhaga” in Mongolia, “Kikyo” in Japan and “Doraji” in North Korea [2]. In clinical, the root of PG which has various biological activities, such as apophlegmatic and antitussive [3], anti-inflammation [4], immunoregulation [5], anti-oxidant [6], etc., has been widely used for the treatment of cough, excessive phlegm, and sore throat. In addition, the stem and leaf of PG also have anti-inflammatory [7] and anti-oxidant [8,9] activities, while research on the pharmacological effects of PG seed is currently non-existent.

PG is a rich source of different natural products with various structural patterns. Around 100 compounds have been isolated from the roots of PG, including steroidal saponins, flavonoids, phenolic acids, polyacetylenes, sterols, etc. [2]. Triterpenoid saponins, mainly of the oleanane family pentacyclic type, are the active components of the root of PG [10]. Several flavonoids and phenolic acids were isolated from the aerial parts of PG [11]. Two glycosides and four flavonoids were isolated from the seeds of PG [12]. Recently, instead of traditional separation and identification method, a combination of ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) separation, quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (QTOF-MS/MS) detection and automated data processing software UNIFI with scientific library was innovatively used for screening and identifying chemical components in herbal medicines [13,14] and traditional Chinese medicine formulas [15]. In 2015, Lee et al. reported the global profiling of various metabolites in PG by UPLC-QTOF/MS [16]. In that paper, a total of 20 metabolites were characterized from the roots, and 56 compounds from stems and leaves of PG grown in Korea. Herbs collected from different regions will show certain differences both in chemical constituents and in pharmacological activities [17]. For example, saponins in the root of PG from different sites in Gyeongnam Province, Korea showed different contents [18]. The 1H-NMR-based metabolomics with OPLS-DA statistical models was used to cluster the ginseng samples from Korea and China, and the result suggested that the chemical profiles from two countries are quite different due to their different geographical origins [19]. Hence, in order to illustrate different chemical constituents from the different regions and from the different parts of the plants, and to better clarify the pharmacological fundamental substances of PG, the root, stem, leaf and seed of PG produced in Jilin Province, China were taken as samples in this paper.

Metabolomics, including targeted and untargeted complementary approaches, is primarily concerned with identification and quantitation of small-molecule metabolites (<1500 Da) [20]. Recently, because of its ability to profile diverse classes of metabolites, untargeted metabolomics has been widely used to compare the overall metabolic composition of different samples [21]. An untargeted analysis approach is mainly applied in metabolite identification through mass-based search followed by manual verification [20] Being a sensitive, efficient, reliable, accurate and nondestructive method, UPLC-QTOF-MS has been widely used recently in this kind of analysis, such as exploring the early detection of mycotoxins in wheat [22], estimating compliance to a dietary pattern [23], exploring the bioavailability of the secoiridoids from a seed/fruit extract in human healthy volunteers [24], evaluating the enantioselective metabolic perturbations in MCF-7 cells after treatment with R-metalaxyl and S-metalaxyl [25].

In this study we focus on both the quickly chemical components’ screening and the non-targeted metabolomic analysis of the root, stem, leaf and seed of PG. UPLC-QTOF-MSE, UNIFI platform and multivariate statistical analyses, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) were used to profile the four different plant parts and to find the biomarkers among these four parts of PG grown in northeast China.

2. Results

2.1. Identification of Components from Different Parts of PG

As a result, a total of 159 compounds were identified or tentatively characterized in both positive and negative mode from the four parts of PG, the base peak intensity (BPI) chromatograms are shown in Figure 1, and their chemical structures are shown in Figure 2. More specifically, 73, 42, 35, 44 compounds were characterized from the root, stem, leaf and seed respectively (Table 1), including triterpenoid saponins, organic acids, steroids, phenols, flavonoids, alcohols, amino acids, coumarins, terpenoids, alkaloids and amides and so on.

For the compounds which have isomers, they may be distinguished by their characteristic MS fragmentation patterns reported in literature, or may be compared with the retention times of reference standards. Taking compounds 98 and 106 as example, both have the same protonated ion [M + H]+ at m/z 1413.6530 and 1413.6530. In the results, they matched 3″-O-acetylpolygalacin D2 and 2″-O-acetylpolygalacin D2, respectively.

Their identical MS fragment pattern were similar. But according to the literature, the C3-glucoside was eluted earlier than the C2-glucoside [26,27,28] in the ESI-BPI chromatogram, so the compound with the earlier RT was identified as the C3-glucoside, 3″-O-acetylpolygalacin D2, and the other one with the later RT was identified as the C2-glucoside, 2″-O-acetylpolygalacin D2.

2.2. Biomarker Discovery for Differentiating Four Parts of PG

The PCA 2D plots of the samples from the root, stem, leaf and seed groups were classified in four clusters according to their common spectral characteristics (Figure 3). That means the four parts of PG could be easily differentiated.

In order to differentiate one part from other three parts, the OPLS-DA models were built in both positive and negative modes. Then, OPLS-DA score plot, S-plot, variable trend and VIP (variable importance in the projection) values were obtained to understand which variables are the responsible for this sample separation [29]. Based on VIP values (VIP > 4) (Figure 4) and p values (p < 0.05) [30] from univariate statistical analysis, 38 robust known biomarkers enabling the differentiation among root, stem, leaf and seed, were discovered and marked in S-plots (Figure 5). In order to systematically evaluate the biomarkers, a heatmap was generated from these biomarkers (shown in Figure 6), which shows distinct segregation among the four parts.

3. Discussion

There are 73, 42, 35, 44 compounds that were characterized from the root, stem, leaf and seed, respectively. As the results show, 95 compounds were identified in ESI(−) mode and 64 compounds were identified in ESI(+) mode. According to the BPI chromatograms of the four parts of PG, it seems that ESI(−) ionization mode is better than ESI(+) based on the quantity and the responses of the identified compounds, but it is still necessary to run the ESI(+) mode because some compounds showed better respond than in ESI(−) mode.

Compared with the results from previous studies [2,8,16,31,32], 56 chemical components were identified for the first time in Campanulaceae. The stem, leaf and seed contain more flavonoids but few saponins that can be easily discriminated from the root. In previous study, various metabolites in Korean Platycodon grandiflorum were profiled by UPLC-QTOF/MS [16]. Compared with the root of PG in Korea, there were only nine constituents (compounds 5, 31, 76, 79, 83, 91, 94, 95, 97) in common. Meanwhile, the stems and leaves of PG in Korea and in China are both rich in natural components with various structural patterns, including triterpenoid saponins, flavonoids, organic acids, phenols, alcohols, amino acids, coumarins and amino acids, etc., but there are only two similar chemical components (compounds 99, 104). It is also interesting that there are eleven components (compounds 5, 14, 17, 21, 23, 31, 52, 83, 94, 95, 97) reported in stems and leaves of PG in Korea that were found in the root of PG in China. The reason for this phenomenon may be the different analytical methods and the different growing locations.

In this paper, 38 robust known biomarkers enabling the differentiation among root, stem, leaf and seed, were discovered. For the root part, there are 15 potential biomarkers including triterpenoid saponins (77, 79, 82, 83, 89, 91, 94, 95, 96, 97, 101, 102, 106), an organic acid (116) and a phenyl-propanoid (42). For stem part, there are five potential biomarkers including flavonoids (53, 61, 87), a tannin (7) and a triterpenoid saponin (144). For leaf part, there are seven potential biomarkers including flavonoids (47, 59, 125), sesquiterpenoids (115, 119) and tannins (26, 60). For seed part, there are 11 potential biomarkers including flavonoids (8, 18, 37, 57, 69, 73, 84, 99), quinones (55, 86) and an organic acid (117). These robust biomarkers enabling the differentiation among root, stem, leaf and seed can be used for rapid identification of four different parts of PG grown in northeast China.

Even so, there are still some unresolved issues. Firstly, pharmaceutical effects associated with these robust biomarkers or these identified compounds should be screened in the future. Additionally, as shown in BPI chromatograms, though 159 compounds were identified there are still many unidentified components. Further research should be carried on based on the formula of these unknown compounds [13]. Most importantly, the stems and leaves of PG should be developed and utilized due to the presence of so many different components from the root. This comprehensive and unique phytochemical profile study revealed the structural diversity of secondary metabolites and the different patterns in various parts of PG. The method developed in this study can be used as a standard protocol for discriminating and predicting parts of PG directly.

4. Experimental Section

4.1. Materials and Reagents

All samples were harvested from Jilin Province, China, as listed in Table 2, and identified by Professor Ping-Ya Li (School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jilin University, Changchun, China). The voucher specimens (No. 2016121-2016144) had been deposited at the Research Center of Natural Drug, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Jilin University, Changchun, China. The cultivation ages of the roots are all 2 years, while the others are all 1 year old.

Acetonitrile and methanol suitable for UHPLC-MS purchased from Fisher Chemical Company (Geel, Belgium). Formic acid for UPLC was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). Deionized water was purified using a Millipore water purification system (Millipore, Billerica, MA, USA). All other chemicals were of analytical grade. Fourteen standard compounds including platycodin D (111851-201607), mannitol (100533-201304), citric acid (111679-201602), phenylalanine (140676-201405), tryptophan (140686-201303), chlorogenic acid (110753-201716), caffeic acid (110885-201102), dibutyl sebacate (190102-201501), linolenic acid (111631-201605), sucrose (111507-201303), adenosine (110879-201202), monopalmitin (190011-201302), rutin (100080-201610), quercetin (100081-201610), were purchased from the National Institutes for Food and Drug Control (Beijing, China). Seven standard compounds including gallocatechin (201512013), quinine acid (20150321), brusatol (20150410), stigmasterol (20150111), xanthotoxol (20109376), delphinidin (20159567), and atractylenolide ІІІ (2014712) were purchased from Beijing Putian Genesis Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Beijing, China). Nine standard compounds including deapioplatycoside E (160712), deapioplatycodin D (160518), -D2 (160407), platycoside E (160112), platycodin D2 (160721), -D3 (160909), platycoside G3 (160921), 2′-O-acetyl-platycodin D2 (160112), 3′-O-acetylplatycodin D2 (160923) were provided by Institute of Frontier Medical Science of Jilin University (Changchun, China).

4.2. Sample Preparation and Extraction

The roots, stems, leaves and seeds of PG from the different sites were respectively air dried, ground and sieved (40 mesh) to give a homogeneous powder. Then 200 mg of the powder was respectively extracted thrice with 80% methanol at 80 °C for 3 h each time. After filtering, the extracts were combined, concentrated and evaporated to dryness. Finally, the desiccated extracts were dissolved and diluted with 80% methanol to 10.0 mL. The solution was filtered through a syringe filter (0.22 µm) and injected directly into the UPLC system. The volume injected was 2 μL for each run.


The UPLC analysis was performed by a Waters ACQUITY UPLC System. The column used was an ACQUITY UPLC BEH C18 (100 mm × 2.1 mm, 1.7 μm) from Waters Corporation (Milford, MA, USA). The mobile phases consisted of eluent A (0.1% formic acid in water, v/v) and eluent B (0.1% formic acid in acetonitrile, v/v) with flow rate of 0.4 mL/min with a liner gradient program: 10% B from 0 to 2 min, 10–90% B from 2 to 26 min, 90% B from 26 to 28 min, 90–10% B from 28 to 28.1 min, 10% B from 28.1 to 30 min. The temperature of the UPLC column and autosampler were set at 30 °C and 15 °C. Mixtures of 10/90 and 90/10 water/acetonitrile were used as the strong wash and the weak wash solvent respectively.

The MS experiments were performed on a Waters Xevo G2-S QTOF mass spectrometer (Waters Co., Milford, MA, USA.) connected to the UPLC system through an electrospray ionization (ESI) interface. The optimized instrumental parameters were as follows: capillary voltage floating at 2.6 kV (ESI+) or 2.2 kV (ESI−); cone voltage at 40 V; source temperature at 120 °C, desolvation temperature at 300 °C and cone gas flow was 50 L/h, desolvation gas flow was 800 L/h. In MSE mode, collision energy of low energy function was set at 6 V, while ramp collision energy of high energy function was set at 20–40 V. To ensure mass accuracy and reproducibility, the mass spectrometer was calibrated over a range of 100–1600 Da with sodium formate. Leucine-enkephalin (m/z 556.2771 in positive ion mode; m/z 554.2615 in negtive ion mode) was used as the lockmass at a concentration of 200 ng/mL and flow rate of 20 μL/min. Data were collected in continuum mode, all the acquisition of data were controlled by the Waters MassLynx v.4.1 software ( waters, Milford, MA, USA).

4.4. Data Analysis

For the screening analysis, the raw data were processed using the streamlined workflow of UNIFI 1.7.0 software (Waters, Manchester, UK) to quickly identify the chemical components [15]. Besides the Waters Traditional Medicine Library in the UNIFI software, a self-built database was created including the information of chemical components from PG based on the literature and on-line databases such as China Full-text Journals Database (CNKI), PubMed, Medline, Web of Science and ChemSpider. Minimum peak area of 200 was set for 2D peak detection.The peak intensity of high energy over 200 counts and over 1000 counts for low energy were the selected parameters in 3D peak detection. A margin of error up to 5 ppm for identified compounds was allowed. Positive adducts containing +H, +Na, and negative adducts including +COOH and −H were selected. The verification of compounds was carried out by comparison with retention time of reference standards and characteristic MS fragmentation patterns reported in literature.

For metabonomics analysis, the raw data were processed by MarkerLynx XS V4.1 software for alignment, deconvolution, data reduction, etc. [33]. As a result, the list of mass and retention time pairs with corresponding intensities for all the detected peaks from each data file. The main parameters were as follows: retention time range 0–28 min, mass range 100–1600 Da, mass tolerance 0.10, minimum intensity 5%, marker intensity threshold 2000 counts, mass window 0.10, retention time window 0.20, and noise elimination level 6. The resulting data were analyzed by principle component analysis (PCA) and orthogonal projections to latent structures discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA). S-plots and VIP-plots were obtained via OPLS-DA analysis to find potential biomarkers that significantly contributed to the difference among the groups.

5. Conclusions

In the present study, UPLC-QTOF-MSE coupled with UNIFI platform and precise multivariate statistical analyses was used to profile the four parts of PG. For the constituent screening under the optimized conditions, a total of 159 chemical compounds (73, 42, 35, 44 compounds characterized from root, stem, leaf and seed, respectively) were identified from PG. The results showed various structural patterns including triterpenoid saponins, organic acids, steroids, phenols, flavonoids, alcohols, amino acids, coumarins, terpenoids, alkaloids and amides. The stem, leaf and seed contain more flavonoids but few saponins that can be easily discriminated from the root.

For the metabolomic analysis, four parts of PG were successfully discriminated into four different clusters. A total of 38 robust biomarkers were discovered. That is to say, 15, 5, 7, and 11 robust biomarkers enabling the differentiation among root, stem, leaf and seed, were characterized. These biomarkers can be suitable for the simultaneous differentiation of four different parts of PG, which is reported for the first time. In a word, these results provided the reliable characterization profiles and the differentiate components among root, leaf, stem and seed of PG grown in northeast China. The method developed in this study can be used as a standard protocol for discriminating and predicting the different parts of PG directly.

Figure 1

The representative base peak intensity (BPI) chromatograms of root in positive (A) and negative (B) modes; of stem in positive (C) and negative (D) modes; of leaf in positive (E) and negative (F) modes; of seed in positive (G) and negative (H) modes.

Figure 2
Chemical structures of compounds identified in PG.
Figure 3
PCA of root (R), stem (S), leaf (L) and seed (D) of PG in positive mode and negative mode.
Figure 4
VIP value obtained from OPLS-DA model of the potential markers in root (R), stem (S), leaf (L) and seed (D) of PG.
Figure 5
The OPLS-DA/S-plots of root (I), stem (II), leaf (III) and seed (IV) of PG in positive mode and negative mode.
Figure 6
Heatmap visualizing the intensities of potential biomarkers.
molecules-22-01280-t001_Table 1Table 1

Compounds identified from different parts of PG by UPLC-QTOF-MSE.

No.tR (min)FormulaExperimental (Da)Theoretical (Da)Mass Error (ppm)AdductsMSE FragmentationComponent NameSource
1 *0.59C12H22O11342.1169342.11622.04−H323.0984, 195.0510, 161.0465SucroseD
2 *0.60C6H14O6182.0797182.07903.04+Na205.0689, 152.0713MannitolR
30.67C12H17NO5255.1114255.11072.91+H256.1114, 226.1074, 122.0375Radicamine AR
40.68C20H18O14482.0682482.0697−2.95−H343.0676, 301.0007, 274.0119, 191.0554, 152.01242,3-(S)-Hexahydroxydiphenoyl-d-glucose aS, L
5 *0.71C6H8O7192.0278192.02703.93−H191.0205, 173.0077, 111.0089Citric acidR
6 *0.75C10H13N5O4267.0974267.09682.23+H218.1020, 136.0634AdenosineD
70.82C20H20O14484.0857484.08530.78−H313.0568, 183.0308, 169.0156, 152.01232,6-Di-O-Galloyl-β-d-glucose aS, L
80.85C20H20O4324.1347324.1362−4.38+H203.0708, 175.0758, 164.0463, 149.0602, 103.0556Isobavachin aD
9 *0.86C9H11NO2165.0796165.07903.98−H164.0724, 147.0456, 103.0549PhenylalanineR
100.95C34H24O22784.0751784.0759−1.05−H421.0417, 337.0214, 249.0416, 182.0223, 168.0074, 149.9967Casuariin aS
110.97C21H24O11452.1341452.13194.86−H299.0771, 289.0737, 271.0611, 165.0206, 137.0257Curculigoside B aD
121.02C19H18O6342.1089342.1103−4.14−H211.0628, 181.0506, 179.0349, 161.0240, 151.04045,6,7,4′-Tetramethoxyflavone aR
131.24C20H24O5344.1609344.1624−3.98+Na222.0916, 194.0973, 182.0611, 127.0394Schininallylol aR
14 *1.35C11H12N2O2204.0903204.08992.29+H188.0706, 144.0808, 132.0813, 118.0661TryptophanR
151.36C21H21ClO11484.0775484.07720.45−H309.0630, 287.0594, 124.0163, 109.0291Cyanidin 3-glucoside aL
161.37C27H28N2O4444.2034444.2049−3.41−H235.1215, 175.0626, 173.0464, 131.0364, 105.0356Aurantiamide acetate aD
17 *1.73C16H18O9354.0950354.0951−0.22+H192.0663, 163.0396, 145.0294, 135.0452Chlorogenic acidR
182.15C27H32O16612.1712612.16903.51−H593.1511, 461.1313, 303.0532, 285.0428, 177.0209, 151.0052(2R,3R)-Taxifolin7-O-α-l-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→6)-β-d-glucopyranosideD
192.30C30H26O12578.1430578.14240.98−H449.0876, 425.0875, 407.0777, 289.0718, 125.0257Procyanidin B1aD
20 *2.31C15H14O7306.0738306.0740−0.53+HCOO179.0349, 167.0343, 163.0406, 161.0241, 109.0315GallocatechinR
21 *2.34C7H12O6192.0637192.06341.53−H173.0480, 127.0406, 116.0514, 111.0456Quinine acidR
22 *2.35C9H8O4180.0425180.04231.60−H161.0241, 135.0451, 133.0297, 109.0315, 108.0224Caffeic acidR
232.36C16H18O8338.0993338.1002−2.62−H191.0567, 177.0195, 161.0243, 119.0505, 105.03513-O-trans-Coumaroylquinic acidR
242.70C25H34O12526.2045526.2050−1.04−H363.1452, 315.1244, 179.0713, 167.0711, 149.0612LucidumosideA aR
252.78C22H26O7402.1670402.1679−1.88+HCOO327.0884, 303.0885, 297.0421, 209.0844, 137.0256Neociwujiaphenol aD
262.81C41H28O27952.0809952.0818−0.97−H605.0777, 479.0469, 481.0642, 453.0677, 246.0169Geraniin aL
272.98C17H26O7342.1678342.1679−0.01+HCOO281.0651, 163.1130, 121.0300Citrusin CD
282.99C27H22O18634.0813634.08061.16−H601.0460, 463.0518, 419.0617, 301.0007, 291.0156, 275.0208Sanguiin H-4 aS
293.05C14H12O4244.0745244.07363.14+HCOO203.0721, 187.0402, 161.0250, 123.0457, 109.0303cis-OsthenoneD
303.24C15H18O8326.1003326.10020.33+HCOO162.0552, 129.0199, 121.03044-O-β-d-glucopyranosyl-trans-cinnamic acid aR, D
31 *3.28C26H32O11520.1968520.19454.46+H443.0984, 341.1392, 163.075BrusatolR
323.42C22H26O8418.1631418.16280.72−H359.1465, 179.0726, 164.0477, 149.0251, 125.0254(+)-SyringaresinolD
333.55C27H24O18636.0969636.09630.99−H483.0791, 465.0679, 331.0667, 313.0578, 169.01632,4,6-Tri-O-galloyl-β-d-glucose aS,L
34 *3.65C11H6O4202.0260202.0266−2.32+HCOO163.0419, 149.0244, 134.0373, 133.0304,XanthotoxolS, L
353.67C45H38O18866.2079866.20582.37−H575.1207, 407.0781, 289.0730, 179.0356Arecatannin A1aD
363.76C32H36O12612.2223612.22072.59−H562.1866, 518.1583, 210.0880, 135.0462Filixic acid ABA aR
373.78C21H22O12466.1128466.11113.59−H285.0428, 177.0208, 165.0568, 151.0053, 137.0257, 124.0178Taxifolin-3-O-glucoside aD
383.80C34H26O22786.0915786.0916−0.08−H615.0646, 597.0511, 445.0416, 301.0021, 125.0258Collinin aS
393.82C24H28O9460.1739460.17331.24−H414.1699, 389.1244, 193.0528, 137.0261, 125.0258Sanjidin A aR
404.30C22H24O6384.1560384.1573−2.96+HCOO325.1065, 313.1078, 310.0838, 150.0322Sophoflavescenol aR
414.33C9H6O5194.0211194.0215−2.35+H177.0183, 153.0178, 138.0309, 127.03983,5,7-TrihydroxychromoneD
424.38C29H42O18678.2395678.23713.54−H497.1692, 453.1789, 323.0997, 291.1258, 161.0471TangshenosideIR
434.48C27H30O16610.1554610.15343.24−H463.0844, 313.0580, 265.0370, 190.9983, 151.0043Quercetin-7-O-rutinosideL
444.50C28H24O16616.1084616.10643.27−H313.0580, 190.9983, 177.0206, 169.0158, 151.00432′′-O-Galloylhyperoside aS, L
454.53C11H12O3192.0791192.07862.21+H193.0863, 167.0703, 161.0603MyristicinR
464.66C34H46O18742.2707742.26842.90+HCOO579.2040, 417.1564, 181.0520, 149.0248Syringaresinol-di-O-β-d-glucoside aD
474.72C33H40O19740.2178740.21641.92−H593.1506, 575.1401, 429.0824, 335.0414, 284.0336Grosvenorine aS, L
48 *4.93C27H30O16610.1550610.15342.59−H401.0912, 301.0365, 299.0205, 247.0609RutinS, L, D
494.94C26H42O8482.2874482.2880−1.13+HCOO261.1352,179.1074,149.0608, 125.058917-O-β-d-Glucopyra-nosyl-16β-H-ent-kauran-19-oicacid aR
50 *4.96C15H10O7302.0427302.04270.15+H161.0264, 123.0099, 109.0306, 107.0153DelphinidinS, L
514.97C15H10O8318.0368318.0376−2.25+HCOO300.0266, 264.0562, 176.0132, 148.0176QuercetagetinL
525.12C27H30O15594.1609594.15854.02−H285.0403, 161.0459, 151.0038, 135.0452Kaempferol-3-O-neohesperidosideR
535.14C21H20O12464.0945464.0955−2.16−H313.0549, 300.0266, 284.0330, 151.0041QuercimeritrinS,L,D
545.17C21H22O11450.1178450.11623.61−H193.0156, 179.0574, 175.0051, 151.0052, 135.0468Dihydrokaempferol-5-O-β-d-glucopyranosideD
555.24C15H10O6286.0463286.0477−4.95−H256.0372, 177.0180, 164.0487, 150.0300, 123.0439, 107.0134ω-Hydroxyemodin aD
565.25C17H16O9364.0780364.0794−3.53+HCOO337.0566, 278.0432, 202.0248, 185.0254, 149.0251Bergaptol-O-β-d-glucopyranosideL
575.26C15H12O7304.0568304.0583−4.92−H285.0366, 243.0329, 152.0099, 150.0300, 125.0238DihydroquercetinD
585.27C21H20O11448.1005448.1006−0.19−H285.0406, 283.0256, 179.0569Luteolin-7-O-glucopyranosideR,D
595.40C15H10O6286.0479286.04770.70+H149.0216, 139.0371, 123.0433, 111.04397-Hydroxy-1-methoxy-2-methoxyxanthone aS, L
605.57C41H32O26940.1163940.1182−1.96−H769.0887, 617.0782, 313.0565, 291.0150, 169.01581,2,3,4,6-Penta-O-galloyl-β-d-glucopyranoside aS, L
615.72C20H18O11434.0853434.08490.80−H300.0301, 195.0321, 151.0050, 109.0305Quercetin-3-O-arabinosideS
625.76C30H36O8524.2409524.2410−0.19+HCOO453.1908, 339.1256, 195.0667, 165.0570Saucerneol C aR
635.79C23H24O13508.1224508.12171.36−H315.0519, 207.0291, 193.0506, 151.0044, 137.0246Limocitrin-3-O-β-d-glucopyranoside aL
645.83C27H30O14578.1637578.16360.24−H269.0475, 227.0364, 177.0203, 151.0050, 119.0513Apigenin-7-O-β-d-rutinosideD
655.84C21H20O11448.1016448.10062.36−H295.0843, 284.0340, 179.0362, 151.0411, 123.0102Quercetin-3-O-α-l-rhamnosideS
665.86C14H18O3234.1243234.1256−4.58+H175.0746, 163.0746, 133.0647, 119.0860, 111.0811LobetyolR
676.02C26H38O13558.2326558.23122.37+Na217.1197, 199.1096, 145.0642, 128.0613, 115.0541LobetyolininR
686.12C21H20O10432.1040432.1056−3.82−H268.0367, 227.0341, 177.0181, 151.0037, 124.0168CosmosiinD
696.17C15H12O6288.0643288.06343.23−H271.0623, 177.0181, 151.0037, 133.0297, 125.0254, 107.0143DihydrokaempferolD
706.32C9H10O4182.0584182.05792.65−H166.0263, 151.0040, 135.0452, 108.02262,6-Dimethoxy benzoic acidD
716.59C21H24O7388.1509388.1522−2.96+HCOO358.1066, 301.0369, 243.0306, 231.0308, 151.0047β-Hydroxyisovalerylshikonin aD
726.61C20H18O10418.0892418.0900−1.74+HCOO358.1066, 243.0306, 231.0308, 178.9997, 151.0047, 121.0304Cimicifugic acid D aD
736.70C21H24O10436.1373436.13690.76−H273.0781, 255.0666, 179.0358, 149.0248, 123.0457Epiafzelechin-3-O-β-d-allopyranoside aD
746.75C42H68O16828.4491828.4507−1.99+H667.4052, 651.4104, 505.3529, 487.3428, 469.3321, 421.3113Platycosaponin AR
756.79C22H22O10446.1231446.12133.66+HCOO285.0424, 187.0053, 163.0414, 124.0179Rhamnocitrin-3-O-rhamnoside aS
766.81C20H28O8396.1793396.17842.03+HCOO215.1094, 185.0984, 159.0826, 143.0724, 125.0616LobetyolinR
77 *6.85C64H104O341416.63881416.6409−1.49+H811.4487, 763.42581, 647.37911, 485.3261Deapio platycoside ER
786.93C35H58O6574.4227574.4233−1.03+H472.3166, 463.3096, 378.2044, 302.1716α-Spinasterol glucosideR
79 *6.98C69H112O381548.67991548.6832−2.13+H1007.5104, 845.4571, 683.4034, 521.3493, 485.3282Platycoside ER
806.99C23H24O11476.1314476.1319−0.84+HCOO433.1097, 345.0819, 313.0554, 183.0309, 151.00415-Hydroxy-6,4′-dimethoxy-flavone-7-O-β-d-gluco-pyranosideS
817.35C29H46O4458.3396458.3396−0.05+H341.2455, 217.1953, 149.1333, 121.1027Neotigogenin acetate aR
827.57C58H94O291254.59051254.58811.95+H931.4894, 845.4518, 799.4485, 295.1007Deapioplatycodin D3R
83 *7.68C63H102O331386.63261386.63031.65+H1255.5937, 931.4894, 845.4518, 799.4484, 665.3879, 441.1585Platycodin D3R
847.69C15H12O6288.0629288.0634−1.59+H255.0652, 179.0353, 163.0400, 153.0196, 145.02953-Hydroxynaringenin aD
85 *7.77C15H10O7302.0422302.0427−1.40+H243.0319, 151.0055, 125.0260, 107.0157QuercetinS, L
867.86C15H10O6286.0488286.04773.61+H269.0460, 257.0450, 241.0490, 161.0239, 135.04536-Hydroxyaloeemodin aD
877.91C30H26O13594.1373594.1373−0.14−H447.0966, 429.0832, 285.0440, 145.0316, 119.0513Buddlenoid A aS, L
887.92C47H76O20960.4934960.49300.39+HCOO869.4537, 715.3371, 529.2698, 295.2034Platycoside FR
89 *7.94C63H102O321370.63731370.63541.40+H827.4398, 783.4476, 637.3944, 459.3430, 409.3090, 325.1130Platycoside G3R
908.33C57H90O291238.55771238.55680.71+H1107.5237, 957.4692, 895.4676, 811.4125, 697.3760, 661.3582, 485.3245, 409.3094Platyconic acid AD
91 *8.46C52H84O241092.53971092.53534.07−H959.4846, 941.4753, 681.3871, 663.3768, 649.3607, 503.3364, 485.3366, 295.1038, 277.0942Deapioplatycodin DR
928.48C59H92O301280.56491280.5673−1.90+H1017.4875, 999.4760, 931.4860, 829.4192, 697.3796, 679.3651, 651.3761, 519.3316, 503.3334, 487.3377Platycodin LR
93 *8.51C58H94O291254.58471254.5881−2.65+H931.4894, 845.4518, 799.4485, 483.3065, 457.1533, 427.1433, 325.1116, 295.1007Deapioplatycodin D2R
94 *8.62C63H102O331386.63001386.6303−0.26+H977.4981, 845.4558, 829.4604, 683.4031, 667.4073, 653.3919, 521.3488, 485.3273Platycodin D2R
95 *8.68C57H92O281224.57781224.57750.23+H799.4485, 683.3961, 667.4052, 521.3444, 503.3364, 485.3257Platycodin DR, D
96 *8.73C65H104O341428.64071428.6409−0.15+H1297.6065, 1165.5621, 845.4520, 841.4580, 681.3837, 665.3903, 653.3884, 617.3663, 519.3298, 485.32432′-O-Acetylplatycodin D2R, D
978.78C59H94O291266.58691266.5881−0.93+H1003.5108, 841.4569, 823.4458, 683.3979, 189.0749, 171.0641Platycodin AR, D
988.80C65H104O331412.64581412.6460−0.16+H985.4990, 823.4461, 635.3794, 617.3695, 503.3369, 453.1605, 321.1182, 303.1076, 189.57073′′-O-Acetylpolygalacin D2R
998.86C15H10O5270.0539270.05284.15−H151.0043, 123.0099, 117.0359, 107.0154ApigenolD
1008.87C52H82O251106.51631106.51451.57+H975.4806, 931.4908, 829.4243, 811.4113, 697.3814, 679.3695, 517.3151, 503.3373, 455.3161Platyconic acid CR
1018.94C59H92O301280.57051280.56732.47+H1017.4875, 829.4192, 697.3796, 637.3939, 519.3316, 321.1178Platycodin KR, D
1029.04C54H86O251134.54441134.5458−1.23+H1003.5108, 841.4569, 823.4458, 683.3979, 321.1160, 189.0749Platycoside BR
103 *9.10C65H104O341428.63701428.6409−2.71+H1297.6065, 955.4894, 841.4580, 813.4279, 797.4332, 681.3837, 665.3903, 653.3884, 635.37803′-O-acetyl-platycodin D2R
1049.11C15H10O6286.0483286.04771.85+H231.0662, 229.0504, 195.0289, 153.0187,KaempferolL
1059.14C20H24O11440.1314440.1319−1.01−H393.0860, 303.0523, 257.0104, 231.0303, 177.0204(-)-Chebulic acid triethyl ester aS, L
1069.18C65H104O331412.64301412.6460−2.14+H823.4461, 503.3369, 485.3255, 455.3156, 321.1182, 189.07572′′-O-acetylpolygalacin D2R, D
1079.23C59H94O281250.59041250.5932−2.23−H1208.5857, 1159.5571, 635.3812, 499.3046, 131.03372′-O-acetyl Polygalacin DR
1089.32C20H22O11438.1170438.11621.78−H419.0956, 235.0654, 163.00506′-O-Galloyl-homoarbutin aS, L
1099.37C54H84O261148.52931148.52513.63+H1017.4908, 999.4786, 535.3279, 631.3477, 517.3170, 499.3050, 453.3001, 321.1190, 189.0764Platyconic acid DR
1109.45C35H54O11650.3666650.36660.04+HCOO451.2830, 441.2997, 197.1183, 149.0465, 131.035415α-Hydroxy-ximicifugoside H2aR
1119.59C37H60O12696.4087696.40850.28−H487.3424, 469.3302, 425.34383-O-d-glucopyranosyl platycodigenin methyl esterS
1129.80C30H42O7514.2938514.29311.41−H436.2610, 319.1910, 301.1814, 265.1468Marstenacigenin AR
1139.91C36H58O12682.3893682.3928−4.81+HCOO635.3797, 449.3263, 407.2948, 179.05653-O-d-glucopyranosyl platycodigeninR
1149.94C19H16O7356.0886356.0896−2.55+HCOO401.0868, 313.0718, 121.02976-Formyl-isoophiopogonanone A aR
11510.17C15H18O3246.1258246.12560.84+H229.1220, 163.0756, 149.0598, 119.0865, 105.0713Curcolone aS, L
11610.25C18H34O5330.2418330.24063.57−H311.2224, 293.2140, 211.1348, 185.1189, 129.0928Sanleng acid aR, S, D
11710.91C15H14O4258.0901258.08923.45−H239.0705, 163.0397, 151.0421, 133.0313, 121.0296Benzyl-2-hydroxy-6-methoxybenzoateD
118 *10.95C15H20O3248.1413248.14120.27+H231.1379, 219.1381, 203.1425, 119.0864, 107.0867Atractylenolide ІІІL
11911.13C15H20O2232.1464232.14630.24+H215.1424, 187.1486, 159.1172, 135.1174, 107.0867Atractylenolide ІІS, L
12012.19C16H12O6300.0637300.06341.18+H285.0761, 242.0571, 167.0340, 136.0162, 108.02155-Methyl kaempferolS, L
12112.26C17H14O6314.0794314.07901.05+H299.0552, 275.0673, 257.0445, 161.0597, 139.03973′,5-Dihydroxy-7,4′-dimethoxy flavoneS
12212.94C17H26O4294.1833294.18310.56−H235.1341, 141.0919, 129.09246-Gingerol aR
12313.46C36H58O12682.3905682.3928−3.36−H635.3787, 473.3258, 443.3119, 425.3020, 179.0553Trachelosperoside B-1 aD
12413.68C30H48O5488.3514488.35022.47−H455.3548, 439.3599, 281.2503, 293.2127, 171.10352α,19α-Dihydroxyursolic acidL
12513.91C18H16O6328.0949328.09470.72+H314.0777, 296.0677, 184.0737, 136.01664′,7-Dimethyltectorigenin aS, L
126 *14.58C18H34O4314.2466314.24572.86−H201.1140, 199.0980, 155.1082, 127.1135Dibutyl sebacateR
12714.85C19H18O7358.1051358.1053−0.47+H343.0809, 326.0778, 301.0705, 283.05993,4-Dihydro-6,8-dihydroxyl-3-(2′-acetyl-3′-hydroxyl-5′-methoxyphenyl)methyl-1H-[2] benzoplyran-1-one aS, L
12814.86C17H30O2266.2258266.22463.76+HCOO311.2240, 155.1083, 139.1137Methyl 7, 10-hexadecadienoateR
12915.36C30H48O7520.3385520.3400−2.93−H476.2774, 473.3256, 443.3168, 425.3093, 407.2940, 395.2941PlatycodigeninD
13015.39C17H14O5298.0843298.08410.51+H284.0679, 256.0730, 241.0495, 167.0339, 133.06485-Hydroxy-7, 4′-dimethoxyflavanoneS, L
13115.57C26H40O6448.2818448.2825−1.59+H393.2636, 350.1875, 242.1877Tenasogenin aR
13215.89C14H20O204.1513204.1514−0.51+H163.1118, 159.1169, 149.0956, 119.0863, 107.05022-(p-Anisyl)-5-methyl-1-hexenL
13316.28C18H16O6328.0957328.09472.95+H314.0790, 299.0550, 286.0830, 271.0604, 150.03145-Hydro-7, 8, 2′-trimethoxyflavanoneS, L
13416.57C32H44O9572.2965572.2985−3.51−H481.2572, 429.2997, 227.0350, 183.1043Ganoderic acid H aL
13517.23C30H48O4472.3550472.3553−0.49−H471.3448, 437.3061, 419.2937, 339.2705, 253.21872α-Hydroxybetulinic acidS, L
13617.62C16H30O2254.2252254.22462.21+Na207.1743, 165.1274, 143.1067, 125.0961Palmitoleic acidR
13717.78C18H34O3298.2505298.2508−1.05−H217.1615, 195.1391, 183.1401, 113.0984Ricinoleic acidD
13818.00C18H30O3294.2203294.21952.51+Na277.2177, 165.1284, 151.1127, 109.1035(E,E)-9-Oxooctadeca-10,12-dienoic acid aR
13918.01C18H28O2276.2100276.20893.85+H179.1424, 135.1180, 119.0862Stearidonic acidR
14018.26C28H42N4O6530.3100530.3104−0.77−H529.3027, 511.2928, 293.2163Kukoamine A aR
14119.02C18H32O3296.2358296.23512.19+Na279.2312, 161.1323, 147.1165, 133.1018, 121.1023Coronaric acidR
14219.23C28H40O5456.2878456.28760.46−H409.2359, 343.1925, 339.2004, 275.2022Siraitic acid D aR
14320.35C32H50O5514.3662514.36580.81−H495.3495, 469.3702, 451.3596, 449.344919α-Hydroxy-3-acetyl-ursolic acidS
14420.39C30H46O3454.3452454.34471.03+H437.3422, 409.3470, 247.1695, 203.1796, 189.1642Oleanonic acidS
14520.77C30H48O3456.3604456.36030.13−H455.3531, 443.3528, 233.15613-Epioleanolic acidS
14620.78C33H36N4O6584.2660584.26354.08+Na567.2589, 535.2340, 501.2257, 467.20432, 417.1830Bilirubin aL
14721.49C15H30O226.2309226.22974.48+HCOO271.2302, 197.1911, 195.1754n-PentadecanalS
14822.20C30H50O2442.3803442.3811−1.76+H425.3776, 407.3666, 217.1950, 203.1791, 189.1641BetulinR
149 *22.93C18H30O2280.2402280.2400−0.25−H149.0972Linolenic acidR
150 *22.95C19H38O4330.2774330.27701.00+Na313.2738, 239.23681-MonopalmitinS
15122.98C16H32O240.2452240.2453−0.47+Na263.2344, 125.1317, 111.1175n-HexadecanalD
15224.06C21H42O310.3240310.32361.28+HCOO355.3214, 125.0972n-HenicosanalS
15324.40C16H32O2256.2401256.2402−0.49−H241.2176, 237.226, 227.2019, 125.0976Palmitic acidS
15424.74C18H34O2282.2569282.25593.70−H253.2185, 163.1132, 125.0982, 111.0825Ethyl palmitateR
15525.73C29H46O410.3565410.35494.03+H395.3680, 203.1799, 145.1021, 133.1019Δ7-stigmasterolR
15626.87C24H38O4390.2771390.27700.21+H301.1413, 189.0156, 165.0905, 149.0235Bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalateR
15727.09C22H43NO337.3356337.33453.47+H321.3149, 212.2014, 198.1857, 153.1275Erucic amide aR
15827.63C20H40O296.3093296.30794.10+HCOO251.2393, 179.1459, 113.0987PhytolS
159 *28.49C29H48O412.3695412.3705−2.48+H135.1178, 109.1025StigmasterolR

* Identified with a reference standard. a Tentatively new identifications in Campanulaceae. The fragment ion mass highlighted as bold font is the characteristic MS fragmentation for each compound.

molecules-22-01280-t002_Table 2Table 2
Information of samples from Jilin Province, China.
Collection RegionMark of SamplesCollection DateCollection RegionMark of SamplesCollection Date
Antu CountyS12 October 2016Fusong CountyS44 October 2016
L12 October 2016L44 October 2016
R126 October 2016R430 October 2016
D12 October 2016D44 October 2016
Hunchun CityS21 October 2016Tonghua CityS55 October 2016
L21 October 2016L55 October 2016
R227 October 2016R528 October 2016
D21 October 2016D55 October 2016
Changbai CountyS330 September 2016Jiaohe CityS63 October 2016
L330 September 2016L63 October 2016
R329 October 2016R625 October 2016
D330 September 2016D63 October 2016
S: stem, L: leaf, R: root; D: seed.


Sample Availability: Samples of the compounds are available from the authors.


This work was supported by Talents Team Major Program of Jilin Province of China (JRCBTZ. [2016] No. 3).

Author Contributions

Pingya Li and Jinping Liu conceived and designed the experiments; Cuizhu Wang, Nanqi Zhang and Zhenzhou Wang performed the experiments; Cuizhu Wang, Zeng Qi, Hailin Zhu and Bingzhen Zheng were responsible for data analysis. Cuizhu Wang wrote the paper. Jinping Liu and Pingya Li assisted paper revision.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest concerning this article.


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