Essential oils from the roots of Echinops bannaticus Rochel ex Schrad. and Echinops sphaerocephalus L. (Asteraceae): chemotaxonomic and biosynthetic aspects.
Herein, we report, for the first time, the results of detailed chemical and statistical analyses of the essential oils from the roots of two Echinops species (Asteraceae), E. bannaticus Rochel ex Schrad., and E. sphaerocephalus L., from the weed flora of Serbia. Among 106 and 81 constituents, respectively, S-containing polyacetylene compounds and triquinane sesquiterpenoids made up ca. 80% of the oils. Several of these compounds are reported here as new metabolites for the two species or even for the genus Echinops. A multivariate statistical comparison of the essential-oil composition data for these two and additional six taxa of this genus available from the literature permitted an examination of the mutual relationships of the taxa within this morphologically highly uniform genus. Principal component analysis (PCA) and agglomerative hierarchical clustering revealed a grouping of E. bannaticus and E. sphaerocephalus (both belonging to the section Echinops), and their close relationship with E. grijsii, suggesting a circumscription of this Chinese taxon to the section Echinops. PCA Correlation matrix offered valuable insight into the biosynthetic links between essential-oil constituents, and these agreed excellently with the currently proposed ones for the polyacetylene S-containing compounds, triquinanes, and monoterpenes.